~...rain behind the window...~4 читателя тэги


#text + #умеренно информативное сообщение позитивного содержания + #David Bowie с другими тэгами

Мало понимать даже на слух. Надо знать, почему, что подразумевалось. А может быть, какие-то шутки.

Наверное, можно разобрать этот текст, получится большая статья. Но далеко не факт, что автору статьи будет понятен весь смысл. И если б так было только с этим текстом Боуи (o^―^o)
Black Tie White Noise
David Bowie
[Verse 1]
Getting my facts from a Benetton ad
I'm looking thru African eyes
Lit by the glare of an L.A. fire (Black tie, white noise)
I've got a face, not just my race, bang bang
I've got you babe

Putting оn the black tie
Cranking out the white noise

[Verse 2]
Sun comes up and the man goes down
And the woman comes again
Just an hour or so to be safe from fear (Black tie, white noise)
Then we jump thru hoops, we're divisible now
Just disappear

Putting оn the black tie
Cranking out the white noise

We reach out over race and hold each other's hands
Then die in the flames singing "We Shall Overcome"
What's going оn?
There'll be some blood no doubt about it
But we'll come thru, don't doubt it
I look into your eyes and I know you won't kill me
I look into your eyes and I know you won't kill me
You won't kill me
You won't kill me, no
But I look into your eyes and I wonder sometimes

Putting оn the black tie
Cranking out the white noise

Oh Lord, just let him see me
Lord, Lord, just let him hear me
Let him call me brother
Let him put his arms around me
Let him put his hands together

Reach over race and hold each other's hands
Walk thru the nite thinking "We Are the World"
What's going оn?
There'll be some blood no doubt about it
But we'll come thru don't doubt it
I look into your eyes and I know you won't kill me
And I turn my back and I know you won't kill me
You won't kill me
You won't kill me, no
But I wonder why
Yes, I wonder why sometimes

Putting оn the black tie
Cranking out the white noise

They'll show us how to break the rules
But never how to make the rules
Reduce us down to witless punks
(Black tie, white noise)
Facist cries both black and white
Who's got the blood, who's got the gun?

Putting оn the black tie
Cranking out the white noise

(Just a fool!)

25 июля 2020 (19:02:55)

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