Автор: Arnel

Цзи У Ван и семейные разборки

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Цзи У Ван, Юй Цысинь, Цзянь Чжичу в борьбе за корону Диванабайду/офсайт
Цзи У 戢武王 / +
Цысинь 玉辞心 / +
Цзянь 剑之初 / +
Диван 雅狄王 / +

Я начала с офсайта, на нем инфы меньше :gigi:
Там прямо указано, что и Цзи У, и Цзянь (и Жан тоже) - все дети Дивана, только дочери 王樹所生, а Цзянь - 即鹿所生, причем эта Оленя 即鹿 в профайле указана как 情人 (не очень ясно, любовница в смысле не официальная жена или любовница в смысле возлюбленная, хотя она и во втором случае вроде бы не официальная жена... но жены у него нет вообще. Собственно Оленя - сестра Уи Шииня, ну это я знала.

В принципе на этом можно было бы остановиться и сделать выводы:
1. Цзи У Ван - вполне себе наследница. Но тут бы выяснить кто ее мать и что там с законами наследования. Все равно ведь пришлось выдавать себя за мужчину, значит дело нечисто.
2. Юй Цысинь - ее аватара, а не наоборот.
3. Цзи У и Цзянь единокровные брат и сестра, следовательно их чудесные дети плод инцеста. Ну упс :gigi:

Но раз уж я взялась, покопаюсь дальше)
В профиле Цзи У Юй Цысинь указана как 化身, воплощение. У Юй Цысинь Цзи у записана как 身份, и в принципе при всей неоднозначности перевода это не расходится с выводом п.2
Но на всякий проверю Су Хуаньчжэнем :gigi: У него все аватары подписаны как 化身, а он у аватар как 身份 (хотя не у всех; у последней синенькой он например 化身, где-то не указан вообще. Это требует отдельного расследования, но пока мне хватит того что есть, да и офсайт еще допиливают.)

Зато на байду в профиле Дивана прекрасное:
После Цзи У Ван (Юй Цысинь) красуется надпись (нет кровного родства). Я сначала охуела, как может не быть кровного родства с дочерью, тем более дальше написано что они с Жан обе дочери 王树 (Кстати это "ван" явно намек на королеву и официальную супругу). Потом сообразила, что эта королева могла нагулять ребенка на стороне, скорее всего до брака. (проверила: Жан записана у Цзи У как 妹, младшая сестренка. ок.)
Так, выхуели, едем дальше.
Собственно в профиле Дивана больше ничего интересного нет, мать сестер даже не упоминается и на нее нет профиля, и вообще это безобразие. Зато есть интересна инфа про Шу 12, который остался наследником и в итоге получил контроль над всеми свитками, но это будет потом.
Есть ссылка на профиль Олени 即鹿, у нее Диван указан как муж. Еще там расписаны интриги с участием Уи Шииня, но это надо вникать, у меня нет контекста.

Пойдем к Цзи У. На офсайте тоже ничего интересного нет, на байду у нее вверху указан Шу 12 как сын, а типа Хюи все?...(
Написано что она по-тихому расследует убийство папы Дивана и мстит соответственно Тюрьме Будды и Башне Милосердия. Первым потому что козлы в принципе, вторым - потому что Дивана свергли и заточили через заговор Уи Шииня.
Ее папенька внатуре обучал боевому колдунству со свитками, что несколько странно, потому что она во-первых дочь, во-вторых не родная. Дальше идет описание уже известных мне событий, понравилось про 斩杀所有碎岛男性以宣示女权, это 宣示女权 транслейтер перевел как "объявить феминизм". Транслейтер такой современный! :-D
Дальше я не стала тыкать, во-первых не пойму, во-вторых наспойлерю, в третьих транслейтер меня послал.

О, а вот мать сестренок на байду упоминается: 玉槐树 Юй Хуайшу (Хюи назвали в честь бабушки! мимими))) совпадение? не думаю.. Не знаю как перевести обозначенное в скобках (杀戮碎岛之人皆由树生,但只有王脉出于王树), хотя на Сломанном Острове действительно есть весьма мистического вида дерево.

Когда ко мне вернется транслейтер я попытаюсь выковырять, почему Цзи У выдавала себя за мужчину. Пока больше похоже на то, что это родители постарались. Или мать, Диван может вообще не знал, что его приемный сын - приемная дочь.
Почему Чжичу таскал портретик, чей - Юй Цысинь или мамин, и если первое - откуда он ее мог знать раньше.
Все еще много вопросов.

*недовольна* времени только полдевятого, а транслейтер уже сдох(

UPD: о сделке Цзи У с Жукаброй есть абзац на байду, но я пока не вникла, там кроме ебучего китайского не менее ебучая метафизика.

читать дальше重伤的戢武王为逃离追兵不断奔驰,不知不觉走进一念之间,鬼觉神知对她提出交易,只要戢武王放弃双子,则给她东山再起的机会。戢武王心中想唯有重拾力量方能再起,但念头一转决意回绝,因自己已失去太多,绝对不能让杀戮碎岛仅存之脉断绝。回绝之后鬼觉神知提出第二个交易,交给戢武王名为啖魔若果的果实,说只要服下,肚中双儿便得无恙,亦能帮助自己恢复功体,但在诞子之后便要以命相偿。此外,还会使双胞快速生长,并因此果而一成圣一成魔,将对未来投下无可预料之变量。戢武王为双儿生机答应交易服下啖魔若果,服下后鬼觉神知将她送出一念之间,并说生下双子后会只剩下一刻的时间,要她珍惜。

итак, сделки было две:
Она отказывается от близнецов и получает шанс вернуться к правлению (?) вторую часть фразы хз как перевести, но неважно, потому что от этого она отказалась. Как я понимаю, Цзи У решила что только своими силами, укрепив ткскзть дух и сердце, она может добиться возвращения. И при этом она слишком много потеряла, так что еще не факт что вообще хотела бы вернуться. 绝对不能让杀戮碎岛仅存之脉断绝 - "абсолюно невозможно обрывать последнюю из оставшихся" мм... "артерий", там анатомическое "сломанного острова". Не очень понятно, о себе это она или о детях.
то есть вернуться расчет все же был?..
После отказа была предложена вторая сделка: Цзи У жрет демонический фрукт, оба малыша целы-невредимы, сама Цзи У выздоравливает, но за это придется расплачиваться опосля, причем уже детям, которые быстро вырастут. Там упоминается про 10% святого и 10% демонического (это они рэндомно между близнецами распределились или кажому либо того либо другого?..), которые этот фрукт добавит к детишкам, это чтобы было больше трешу и нежданчика. Жукабре блин скучно, походу. На это Цзи У согласилась.

мне кажется, в первом случае ей предлагался банальный аборт, иначе я не вижу особой разницы со второй сделкой

Немного о том что дальше, но это мне все еще смотреть и есть шанс что будет понятнее. (там чет по пизде пошло, ну как обычно бывает со сделками))))

мимопробегом по тексту я поняла, что Хюи она сама успела отдать Чжичу, а вот как Шу12 оказался у Жукабры, придется узнавать походу дела. Ну или в анкеты близнецов уже лезть.


Первое, 王樹, это не имя человека, а имя дерева. In the kingdom named 殺戮碎島, human are given birth by several trees. Women of this kingdom don't have the ability to bear children, which caused the sexual discrimination in their culture, to some extent.
One of the trees named 王樹(tree of king), is believed as the divine symbol of monarchical power. The child produced by this holy tree will be the next king оn the throne. And the holy tree оnly gave birth to boys for a long time. So in fact, there's no blood relationship between any king and his son.
But when time goes to the era of 雅狄王, 王樹 оnce produced two children, both of them are girls. The king was worried about the public opinions. Firstly, due to the discrimination, his people won't accept a girl to be their king. Secondly, the holy tree is important in their religious system, so the fact may even make the kingdom lose the original order and balance. So the king made an decision, he made up a lie: the holy tree give birth to twins, оne boy and оne girl.
Afterwards, the elder brother became 戢武王, and the little princess became 禳命女. Actually, from the very beginning of her life, 戢武王 have to accept the fake man's identity. She was treated and lived as a man, even her sister didn't know the secret of her gender. Because of that, 戢武王 can't help to project herself оnto 禳命女. She loved her sister very much, protected her well and prayed for her happiness.
So I think, the time when 戢武王 was 玉辭心, far away from her duty and kindom, is the rare treasure of her life. In 苦境, she could be a woman in love; she could wonder in the woods оnly with a sword, alone but satisfied; she could escape from the faking. As to the kingdom, which she would like to sacrifice all the things above to protect, its people betrayed her so easily and mercilessly. When the secret of 戢武王 was revealed, her people turned blind to her merits and contributions. An execution, is the оnly thing they wanted.
1.劍之初 is the elder оne.
2.About the relationship between 即鹿 and 雅狄王, I'd rather just call it "for оne night". 雅狄王 and 即鹿 fell in love at the first time they came across in 四屆武評會(just take it as a sort of Olympics XD). Then they had sex. оne night passed, and all things were supposed to be as usual. 雅狄王 returned to his kingdom. They hadn't realized tragedy was coming. Several months later 即鹿 found her pregnant.
3.The fate is hilarious, many years later, things went old between 劍之初 and 戢武王. 劍之初 came across with 戢武王 in 四屆武評會, while 戢武王 was washing her hair. They had some talk, and he didn't find a chance to ask her name. 劍之初 fell in love. He tried hard to meet her again, but in vain. When they first encountered, 戢武王 was dressed as a girl, so that's reasonable. Many years later 劍之初 gave up, and drew a portrait of the girl he missed. In 苦境, 劍之初 often took it out and looked at it.
Why she can be pregnant successfully, this is not told in the show. I browsed in Internet, and found that in 會刊 there is a reasonable explanation. The water in 殺戮碎島 was influenced by those trees, made women unable to bear. So when 戢武王 was far away from their country, she wouldn't suffer from sterility.
4.In the kingdom called 慈光之塔(the tower of mild light), where 即鹿 and her elder brother 無衣師尹 lived, people put a lot things оn virginity. That means, what 即鹿 did were extremely forbidden and shameful. She never married, but was already pregnant. Even 師尹 himself, had mentioned his sister made him feel ashamed in the show. But in that case, what 師尹 felt most is his resent to 雅狄王, for he set 即鹿 in this situation and wouldn't marry with 即鹿.
And in 師尹's mind, the interests of his kingdom is what he cared most. 師尹 is kinda of prime minister of 慈光之塔. He treated 雅狄王 as a dreadful threat. Although 雅狄王 is that person, who is very powerful but has no interest in kill or war.
劍之初 didn’t know much about his father, until оnce he met 雅狄王 in 四屆武評會. At that time 劍之初 was forced by 無衣師尹 to take part in the competition and beat 雅狄王, representing 慈光之塔. Probably, 雅狄王 already knew the relation between them, and would like not to see a father-son-duel. So he decided to meet 劍之初 privately before the match. That made 劍之初 give up the competition directly without announcing. Then 雅狄王 became the champion without fight.
Giving up the competition damaged his reputation, and he didn’t escape from misfortune as he thought. 無衣 was disappointed about this result, 劍之初’s action also brought shame оn his kingdom. So 無衣 used 殢無傷 to kill his family and friends. 劍之初 had no minds оn how and why it happened, but had to watch the people he cared were killed оne by оne. He was оnce respected by all, his name was known around the world, his power was stronger enough to beat anyone. But if he can’t protect someone as he wanted, what is these fame and power all for?
He couldn’t bear the pain ripping his heart, so he went to 苦境,a place far away from his past, from those useless fame and power.
When 雅狄王 dies, he was still in 苦境, so he may not know about his death. And yes, his character is not suitable for being a lord or king. Then 戢武王 became his lover, he was certainly less interested in the throne of 碎島.
Actually, 戢武王 didn’t cared about her children very much. оn the contrary, she very hated them at first, for they are boys. She was a victim of unreasonable sexual discrimination for a long time, and got betrayed by her people at last. She killed all men of the kingdom for revenge. With a profound hatred to men in heart, she even asked her minister to abort pregnancy. оnly at that time when she was close to death, she found her love as a mother, at the bottom of heart.

P.S. 四屆武評會 is something like which 殺無生 took parts in, in TF. Olympics is a joke)
О 即鹿 и 殢無傷
無衣 wanted 劍之初 to take parts in the competition, so at that time he poisoned his own sister. And he indicated the death of his sister was due to 雅狄王. Therefore, his nephew agreed to attend. But finally 無衣 didn’t get what he wanted. Then he told 殢無傷 about the death of 即鹿. He said his sister died of shame and sorrow. For losing her virginity, she was treated unfairly by her friends and family. And 無衣 asked 殢無傷 to kill those guys and help arrest 雅狄王 for revenge. Certainly, friends and family of 即鹿 were also friends and family of her son.

殢無傷, этот персонаж мне очень интересуется. По-моему, у него нет преступления, но он претерпел наказание. According to his plots author, when he designed this character, he didn’t make up the story of him at first, he just wanted a special character, a powerful warrior with a blocked heart. 殢無傷 spent all his earlier life in 瀆生暗地, (literally got locked) for his family suffering from a strange genetic disease.The disease made them couldn’t stay alive after 29 years old, and later people found the disease even can infect the others. So the king of 慈光之塔 made a decision to exile the whole family many years ago. We have no idea why 殢無傷 stayed alive for such a long time, maybe it’s because he’s powerful. Or, maybe the whole family, talented in sword casting, was the victim of some political schemes.
When 殢無傷 was still in prison, he met 即鹿 by accident, then he fell in love. In show he mentioned, he studied how to use swords for her. But when 無衣 led he out, he оnly saw the corpse of his beloved.

His attitude to 無衣 was also complicated. He obeyed to 無衣, for he freed him and taught him something. He treated 無衣 as a friend and a teacher. But he also hated what 無衣 did sometimes. Between them, there is a puzzle called 雪中謎(mystery in the snow). But in fact, nobody knows what it is. The show never tells about the details. We just know this puzzle was set up by 無衣, and 殢無傷 didn’t answer. 無衣 used it as a method to make 殢無傷 stay with him and kill for him.
In the show, 殢無傷 оnce ask 劍之初 to touch his sword for an answer.
劍之初 replied, but I had no problems.
殢無傷 said, the question didn’t matter at all, when you find the answer, there is a question.
So I think, maybe, the mystery in the snow, is a puzzle even without a puzzle, all you need is to answer it.
Китайские фанаты часто называют его “文青”(художественная молодёжь). I think it’s suitable. He is a special character, beautiful, pessimistic and detached. And the writing style of his story and lines is very like “stream of consciousness”.
This is because 忘知 was born with some heart illness. 天閻魔城(devil city) promised to let 忘知 get treated. And 忘知 said he would like to go with those guys, because he can’t bear the pain no more.
To treat 忘知, 端木燹龍 took the boy’s heart out and put it into a tree. As we know, the boy’s mother is 戢武王 from 殺戮碎島. The tree that gives birth to the kings of 殺戮碎島 is called 王樹. This tree also enables its children to have a special construction of human body. The kings of this kingdom have оne more vein than common people. So in order to treat 忘知, it’s necessary to borrow the power of trees. This specialty made 殊十二 a powerful warrior later, because he can study the book named 廢字卷, written by 雅狄王.
槐破夢 never joined a battle against 明峦, because when the great war between saints and demons began, he was just a kid.
So why the devil city got interested in 破夢? There is a prediction about 槐破夢 and 殊十二, who were called 圣魔雙子. According to the prophecy, the twins will bring doom to both the holy city and the devil city. 他化 would like to let this two kids under his control, which may create some chances for the final victory of devil city. Later, he found the amazing potential inside 槐破梦, and began to appreciate this kid. So 他化 made a Chinese lute(琵琶) and gave it to 破夢 as a gift. It’s a musical instrument and a deadly weapon.
他化 never met 破夢 in person, I think maybe it was because he was too busy) But still, he chose 破夢 as his heir.
破夢 thought that he couldn’t stay alive and became so powerful without the help from the devil city. But he also knew the intrigues of the devil city. 劍之初 had been trapped by them because he refused their invitation, which made 劍之初 couldn’t made his way to rescue his lover 戢武王.
One of the nicknames for 劍之初 is 初妃. 妃 means the concubine of king. This is because his beloved 戢武王 is a king who already had a lawful wife 寒煙翠. And it seems like in this relationship, 戢武王 is the оne show more masculinity😆 After they had sex, 戢武王 quickly calmed down and claimed like, “Things went wrong between us. Let’s take it as a mistake.” It made people think of many similar stories, in which usually a nobleman seduced naive girl and then left her ruthlessly) But actually 戢武 did give her sincere love to 劍之初
The secret identity of 戢武王 didn’t get exposed until she went back from 苦境 . For a kingdom like 殺戮碎島, I think it’s more than ridiculous to suspect the king is a woman. And when 戢武王 started her journey secretly, 寒煙翠 got kidnapped by her brother 魔王子, who forced her to marry him later.
The marriage between 寒煙翠 and 戢武王 was more like a political tactic. The king never showed much interest in her wife, since in kingdom 殺戮碎島, to marry someone from other countries was оnce a taboo. As for 寒煙翠, she just won’t fall in love with anyone, except 禳命女. I think 寒煙翠 is an attractive character, her courage to confess an unrequited love and to protect the оne she loved just touch me so…
про Жан и Фэн Сю
Это долгая история. Сначала в 四魌界, 禳命女 читала книгу, которую написал 楓岫主人 ( или 楔子, the name he used to publish his work). At that time, 楓岫 was the prime priest of kingdom 慈光之塔, who took writing as an interest. оne of his masterpieces named 荒木載記 brought him fame around world and danger later. 禳命女 was captivated by this wonderful novel, and became interested in the author who is capable to observe and criticize the world so deeply and accurately. Then they had met by chance. They talked for a long time and gained real enjoyment in this. 禳命女 found out, the оne she longed to meet was much more romantic and adorable than she ever thought. So she fell in love.
Unluckily, due to the novel, 荒木載記, disclosing some political scandals of 四魌界, 楓岫 was sentenced life imprisonment. He spent many years in prison of 詩意天城, together with 邪天御武. Later the two cellmates planned to get themselves out. They went to 苦境 finally. Hearing about this, 禳命女 started to search for a feasible way to 苦境, in order to find the оne she cared.
But how could she made her way to 苦境? It’s hard for people lived in 四魌界 to reach 苦境, just like in TF there’s poor transportation between 東離 and 西幽. Eventually, 寒煙翠 who genuinely prayed for happiness of 禳命女, found out a special magic to transmit by soul. So 禳命女 came to 苦境 as a ghost. But this transmitting method required 禳命女 to not touch anybody until she meets 楓岫主人. However, she met 南風不競 first.
Вот вопрос о китайском слове «走火入魔», которое можно встретить часто в 武侠小说. Не знаю как переводить его точно(@_@)… It’s like in real life, when you practice sports, you may get hurts from incorrect movements or excessive exercise. In fictions, when they practice kongfu, characters actually face the potential threats of side effects, which may hurt their body or psychological conditions. We call the threats as 走火入魔.
Back to the plots. At that time 南風不競 was studying 神之卷, and the side effects almost killed him. 禳命女 was a kind and naive girl, so she tried to save him without a second thought. Then he stayed alive, but as for 禳命女, since she touched him, magic turn her into a statue. 南風不競 was grateful to this unknown girl for saving his life. And he believed it must be fate, the girl was certainly his destiny and true love. So he stayed to protect the statue and tried to find out the way to cease the magical power.
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