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A Dream Given Form: An Unofficial Guide to Babylon 5

Вышла еще одна книга о Вавилоне 5.


A Dream Given Form: An Unofficial Guide to Babylon 5 by Ensley F. Guffey,‎ K. Dale Koontz

The оnly comprehensive critical guide to the beloved sci-fi phenomenon

A Dream Given Form provides an accessible, comprehensive, and critical look at Babylon 5, оne of the most groundbreaking series of all time. Nearly 20 years after the show ended, this indispensable companion not оnly covers all five seasons of Babylon 5, but also the feature-length TV movies, the spinoff series Crusade (including three non-produced episodes), The Legend of the Rangers, The Lost Tales, the canonical novels, the DC comic book series, and the short stories set in the Babylon 5 universe. Each season and text is explored thoroughly with an in-depth look at how the individual episodes, books, stories, and comics fit into larger оngoing storylines.


Carefully constructed to be enjoyed by both those who have watched the series multiple times and viewers watching for the first time, A Dream Given Form elucidates without spoiling and illuminates without nitpicking.


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