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#не переведено + #В5-ремастеринг с другими тэгами


Почему В5 (видео) выглядит так плохо? (статья на инглише)

Or: Why Warner Bros. isn't the best home for a classic sci-fi show.


‘Babylon 5’ is great, so why does it look so bad?


If you're unfamiliar, Babylon 5 is about the inhabitants of a space station located in neutral territory between five major empires. After a series of brutal and devastating wars, the station was set up to help mediate peace between these powerful players. The first half of the year could be mistaken for a generic procedural drama but it's the ultimate "give it time" show, since things quickly begin to cohere into a much greater story.


By the end of its five-year, 110-episode run, the show managed to tell a number of complicated stories, all at оnce. A show like Westworld can drag a simple piece of exposition out for nearly 20 hours; Babylon 5 would always resolve its plots long before you got bored of them. If the show had aired оn HBO, with a HBO-level budget, it would be talked about in the same hushed tones as Game of Thrones...


Now that the series has made its way to Amazon Prime, it is ripe for a whole new generation of fans to discover it. Except that, if they do, they may find that the picture quality is highly variable, and some sequences are quite hard to watch. Now, it's fair to say that the show is so good that it's worth persisting with nevertheless. But how it ended up in this state is a tale of folks trying to plan for its future, оnly to be defeated by executive neglect

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