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Автор: Мергус

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The Esther Story In A Nutty Nutshell


Esther is being warned by Waupee (above) A Sioux Indian maiden, who is married to Black Eagle, who has been hired by an evil Mormon, Elelu Thomas, to kidnap Esther so Elelu can marry Esther, but Black Eagle has designs оn her himself even though he's married to Waupee. While Black Eagle meets with Elelu, the Mormons attack the Indians and during the struggle Esther escapes and while wandering through the mountains she meets a "friendly" Indian named Osse'o, who offers to escort her safely back to her people. Then, darned if they don't run into Black Eagle again, who gets in a fight with Elelu and kills him, but оne of his arrows wounds Osse'o. Both Black Eagle and Elelu die from their wounds and it turns out Osee'o is not an Indian at all, but a white man in disguise, so Esther and Osee'o are soon enough engaged to be married. And you wondered how so many of those goofy Netflix films ever got green-lighted. http://blog.truewestmagazine.com/2020/12/big-rifle-nick-and-crazy-dating-habits.html

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