Ирландские танцы21 читатель тэги

Автор: Джиллиан

#ирландские танцы + #St. Patrick's Day (ceili) + #Riverdance с другими тэгами

St. Patrick's day (ceili)

В продолжение предыдущего поста выкладываю видео и схему того самого кейли - День Святого Патрика.

СхемаThis is a dance for four couples in Double Jig time done to the tune of the same name. The first part of the tune consists of 8 bars, and the second (which includes a repeat of the first) of 14 bars. So that the different movements of the dance may fit in correctly with the music it is necessary to play the first part three times after the dance commences; from then оn the music is played as usual – each part being played twice.
The formation is the same as for the Eight-hand Reel.

(1) and (2) are 1st and 2nd Tops respectively, and (3) and (4) are 1st and 2nd Sides.
Lead Round
Couples take inside hands, make a half turn to right and, with Promenade Step, dance round anti-clockwise, keeping an equal distance between the dancers. оn the eight bar dancers release hands and reverse (8 bars). Partners again take inside hands and dance back in opposite direction, turning into original places оn the last two bars (8 bars).
16 bars
The Body
(a) Sides
Gents sidestep to right behind partners while ladies sidestep in front (2 bars); all end with Rising Step (2 bars); sidestep back to places, gents now passing in front (2 bars), and finish as before (2 bars).
8 bars
(b) Half Right and Left
Partners now take right hands and turn оnce in place (2 bars); gent of 1st Tops changes place with gent of couple оn his left, passing right shoulder to right shoulder, while gents of 2nd Tops and 2nd Sides change places in like manner (ladies meanwhile dance two short ‘threes’) (2 bars). While gents dance two „threes“, ladies of 1st Tops and 2nd Tops change places with ladies of 1st Sides and 2nd Sides respectively, passing left shoulder to left (2 bars).
14 bars
(c) Sides
A is now repeated in the new places.
8 bars
(d) Half Right and Left
All repeat movement B above to return to places.
14 bars
(e) Double Quarter Chain
Gents take partner´s right hand in their right and partners turn оnce in place (2 bars); gents chain with left hand to ladies оn their left (2 bars); having turned in place, all chain back to partners with right hand and make a complete turn (4 bars). Gents continue the chain movement with left hand to ladies оn right, turn, and chain back to places as before, turning partners in place (8 bars).
16 bars
(f) Extended Sides
Gents sidestep to right, behind partners, ladies side-stepping to left in front (2 bars), and finish with Rising Step (2 bars); all again sidestep in the same direction, finishing, as before, with Rising Step (4 bars).
8 bars
Gents take right hands of ladies оn their right, and all make full turn (2 bars); chain back to original positions (4 bars).
14 bars
(g) Full Chain
Partners, facing each other, give right hands, and advance, with Promenade Step, giving alternate hands to each dancer they meet, and so chaining back to original positions.
14 bars
The Figures
First Figure: Advance and Retire
Top Couples (Couples 1 and 2) advance towards each other twice, retiring each time (8 bars). Both couples then dance complete circle around each other anticlockwise and back to places (8 bars).
16 bars
When the BODY has been performed again, the Side Couples dance this figure, after which the body is again repeated.
16 bars
Second Figure: Ladies´ Chain
Ladies of 1st and 2nd Couples advance, give right hands in centre, continue to opposite gent, giving left hand (2 bars), both turn in place (2 bars), and ladies return to own partner (2 bars), both making full turn in place (2 bars). Both couples then dance complete circle around each other as in 1st Figure (8 bars).
16 bars
The Body, having been performed оnce more, Side Couples execute this Figure, after which the Body is again repeated.
16 bars
The Finish
All lead around as at the beginning of the dance, but оn returning, coules swing to places during the last four bars.
16 bars
Note: It will be noticed that the Figures always commence оn the last eight bars of the repeat of the long part of the tune (which is similar to the first part of the tune). The Body thus always begins оn the repeat of the first part.

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