Ирландские танцы21 читатель тэги

Автор: Джиллиан

#кейли + #схемы с другими тэгами

Siege of Ennis - Осада Энниса

Тот самый танец, который с "гребеночкой". Мне кажется, что Осада Энниса - один из самых коротких и самых простых кейли.
Это был самый первый групповой танец, который я учила. Правда, с тех пор мы танцевали его считанные разы. По популярности, по крайнеймере в нашей школе, он значительно уступает Бонфайру, Лимерику и Фейри рилу.
И традиционно под катом схема из Большой книги кейли. Традиционно - на английском.
Siege of EnnisFormation: Four (2 couples) facing four.
Dancers form a straight line down the floor.
1. Advance and retire twice (dance promenade step “123” twice in and twice out)
2. In pairs, side step “ 1234567 followed by 123,123”, pair going left go in front
and pair going right go behind.
3. All pairs, repeat the sidestep to return to their original places.
4. Outside dancers swing with the person opposite them for 8 bars, while the four dancers in the middle place right hands together in the centre and dance around for 4 bars then place left hand in the centre and dance back to original position using promenade step.
5. Advance and retire оnce.
Advance and pass through( Dancers with back to the musicians (tops) raise their hands to form the arch)
Stand ready to meet next set of dancers and begin again.

St. Patrick's day (ceili)

В продолжение предыдущего поста выкладываю видео и схему того самого кейли - День Святого Патрика.

СхемаThis is a dance for four couples in Double Jig time done to the tune of the same name. The first part of the tune consists of 8 bars, and the second (which includes a repeat of the first) of 14 bars. So that the different movements of the dance may fit in correctly with the music it is necessary to play the first part three times after the dance commences; from then оn the music is played as usual – each part being played twice.
The formation is the same as for the Eight-hand Reel.

(1) and (2) are 1st and 2nd Tops respectively, and (3) and (4) are 1st and 2nd Sides.
Lead Round
Couples take inside hands, make a half turn to right and, with Promenade Step, dance round anti-clockwise, keeping an equal distance between the dancers. оn the eight bar dancers release hands and reverse (8 bars). Partners again take inside hands and dance back in opposite direction, turning into original places оn the last two bars (8 bars).
16 bars
The Body
(a) Sides
Gents sidestep to right behind partners while ladies sidestep in front (2 bars); all end with Rising Step (2 bars); sidestep back to places, gents now passing in front (2 bars), and finish as before (2 bars).
8 bars
(b) Half Right and Left
Partners now take right hands and turn оnce in place (2 bars); gent of 1st Tops changes place with gent of couple оn his left, passing right shoulder to right shoulder, while gents of 2nd Tops and 2nd Sides change places in like manner (ladies meanwhile dance two short ‘threes’) (2 bars). While gents dance two „threes“, ladies of 1st Tops and 2nd Tops change places with ladies of 1st Sides and 2nd Sides respectively, passing left shoulder to left (2 bars).
14 bars
(c) Sides
A is now repeated in the new places.
8 bars
(d) Half Right and Left
All repeat movement B above to return to places.
14 bars
(e) Double Quarter Chain
Gents take partner´s right hand in their right and partners turn оnce in place (2 bars); gents chain with left hand to ladies оn their left (2 bars); having turned in place, all chain back to partners with right hand and make a complete turn (4 bars). Gents continue the chain movement with left hand to ladies оn right, turn, and chain back to places as before, turning partners in place (8 bars).
16 bars
(f) Extended Sides
Gents sidestep to right, behind partners, ladies side-stepping to left in front (2 bars), and finish with Rising Step (2 bars); all again sidestep in the same direction, finishing, as before, with Rising Step (4 bars).
8 bars
Gents take right hands of ladies оn their right, and all make full turn (2 bars); chain back to original positions (4 bars).
14 bars
(g) Full Chain
Partners, facing each other, give right hands, and advance, with Promenade Step, giving alternate hands to each dancer they meet, and so chaining back to original positions.
14 bars
The Figures
First Figure: Advance and Retire
Top Couples (Couples 1 and 2) advance towards each other twice, retiring each time (8 bars). Both couples then dance complete circle around each other anticlockwise and back to places (8 bars).
16 bars
When the BODY has been performed again, the Side Couples dance this figure, after which the body is again repeated.
16 bars
Second Figure: Ladies´ Chain
Ladies of 1st and 2nd Couples advance, give right hands in centre, continue to opposite gent, giving left hand (2 bars), both turn in place (2 bars), and ladies return to own partner (2 bars), both making full turn in place (2 bars). Both couples then dance complete circle around each other as in 1st Figure (8 bars).
16 bars
The Body, having been performed оnce more, Side Couples execute this Figure, after which the Body is again repeated.
16 bars
The Finish
All lead around as at the beginning of the dance, but оn returning, coules swing to places during the last four bars.
16 bars
Note: It will be noticed that the Figures always commence оn the last eight bars of the repeat of the long part of the tune (which is similar to the first part of the tune). The Body thus always begins оn the repeat of the first part.

16-hand reel

16-рукий рил. Рил на шестнадцать человек. Почти год назад после Львовского феша проводили мастер-класс по нему. Я помню, как по дороге на феш простыла в поезде (Укрзалізниця турбується про вас!), а потом прыгала стопитсот танцев с дичайшим насморком. А на следующий день с таким же насморком потопала на МК. Ну че, выучили... Потом даже в поезде с девочками пытались вспоминать)
На память об МК осталась схемка кейли, незабываемые впечатления от пятичасовой тренировки с заложенным носом и сертификат от организации "Ирландские танцы в Украине" о том, что я теперь умею танцевать 16-рукий рил. Ах, да еще и разминка от Иллюши! Планки, тысячи их...

Схема под катом.
скрытый текстPosition of Dancers:

A, C, E, G, L, N, P, S, are gentlemen; B, D, F, H, M, O, R, T, are ladies.
Assume that couple AB are nearest the music; they are designated leading tops; CD therefore, are opposite tops. EF are leading sides, and GH opposite sides. Let couples оn right of tops, i.e., LM and NO be designated second tops, and couples оn right of sides be designated second sides, i.e., PR and ST.
1. Lead Around
As explained in 4-hand reel (16 bars)
2. The Body
(a) Sides
Gentlemen sidestep behind partner while ladies sidestep in front of partner (2 bars), ending with two short threes (2 bars); sidestep back to place, gentlemen in front (2 bars), ending with two short threes (2 bars)
(b) Hands Round
Leading and opposite tops and leading and opposite sides each form a ring with couple оn right by joining hands, shoulder high; all dance sidestep to left (2 bars), ending with two short threes (2 bars); sidestep back (2 bars), ending with two short threes; release hands (2 bars).
(c) Sides
As explained in (a) above
(d) Hands Round
As in (b) above, but forming rings with couple оn left.
(e) Half-Chain
All take partner´s right hand, half right turn; gentlemen give left hand to lady оn right, ladies give left hand to gentleman оn left; all advance to meet оncoming dancer with right hand, continue оn giving left and right hand alternately until meeting own partner with right hand in position opposite starting position (12 bars); take partner´s two hands and lead around to place in direction in which gentleman was dancing (4 bars).
(f) Link Arms
Gentlemen of leading and opposite tops and of leading and opposite sides, i.e. A,C,E,G, advance and take right arm of the respective contrary gentlemen, i.e. of L,N,P,S, inner sides of fore-arms touching; dance around each other (4 bars), release arms, advance to meet contrary lady, give left hand and dance around her (2 bars); return to place, gentlemen passing right arm to right; give right hand to partner and turn оnce in place (2 bars).
Partners take hands and dance complete circle around the couple with whom they performed the second ring (Movement 2(d)), i.e., couples 1 and 7 dance around each other, as do couples 2 and 8, 3 and 6, 4 and 5 (8 bars).
This ends the Body.
3. First Figure: Advance and Retire
As explained in 8-Hand Reel. The figure is first danced by leading and opposite tops, then by leading and opposite sides, next by second tops and finally by second sides. The Body is again performed.
4. Second Figure: Right Hand to Opposite Lady
Gentlemen of leading and opposite tops advance to lady opposite (2 bars); give right hand and turn оnce in place (2 bars); return to own partner (2 bars) give left hand and turn оnce in place (2 bars); both gentlemen advance to the centre, take right hand and turn оnce (3 bars); advance to opposite lady, give left hand and turn оnce in place (3 bars); return to own partner (2 bars). Take partner´s hands; both couples dance around each other and back to place (8 bars).
Leading and opposite sides next perform the figure, followed by second tops and finally by second sides.
The Body is again performed.
5. Third Figure: Arch Arms
Leading and opposite tops dance complete turn into the centre (2 bars); leading tops release left hands, raise right hands to form an arch, allowing opposite lady to pass through (2 bars); half turn, and allow opposite gentleman to pass through the arch (2 bars); partners take hands and dance complete turn to position opposite that at start (2 bars). Again dance into centre (2 bars); opposite tops release left hands, raise right hands and allow leading lady to pass through (2 bars); half turn, and allow leading gentleman to pass through (2 bars); partners take hands and dance to place (2 bars).
Remaining couples then perform the figure in the same order as previous figures.
The Body is again performed.
6. The Finish
All dancers join hands in circle, forearms bent sharply upwards elbows held in to the sides; advance to centre (2 bars), retire (2 bars), advance again and retire (4 bars). All sidestep anticlockwise and finish with two short threes (4 bars); sidestep back ending with two short threes (4 bars). Advance and retire twice as before (8 bars). All sidestep clockwise and back (8 bars). Each couple take hands and swing around to the right to finish off (8 bars).

Стены Лимерика

Лимерик - это тот танец, который с вертушкой. Наверное, самая популярная "кейля" в наших кругах. Ни одного праздника не проходит без того, чтоб мы не танцевали Лимерик. Самый длинный пока что "коридор" у нас был пар на 12.
Я не знаю, если честно, как мы поместились тогда в нашем-то зале, где двум интермедам тесно.

Схема под катом.
тыкать и узретьThe Walls of Limerick is the simplest of all dances from the point of view of execution. At starting, the dancers line-up in couples, lady оn gemtleman’s right, each set of two couples facing each other. It is danced to reel–time, and consists of four movements, as follows.
1. Advance and Retire
This is and essential feature in the majority of ‘long dances’. Gentleman takes partner’s left hand in his right, both advance to meet the opposite couple (2 bars), retire to the place (2 bars). Repeat the movement.
2. Half Right and Left
Ladies exchange places by side-stepping across the left, passing each other face to face, and finishing with two short threes (4 bars); gentlemen now exchange places, but side-step to the right (4 bars).
3. Dance with Opposite
Each gentleman and opposite lady take right hands, both sidestep to gentleman’s left, finishing with two short threes (4 bars); sidestep back, finishing with two short threes (4 bars).
4. Dance Around
Gentleman takes own partner’s hands, both dance a complete circle around opposite couple (8 bars), finishing up to face in the opposite direction.
Repeat the movements with the next couple and with each succeeding couple until the music ceases. In the manner each couple progresses оn the completion of the set of moments with the result that the couples dancing opposite each other are constantly varying.

Fairy reel

Когда-то давно, когда я еще плохо запоминала названия кейли, я давала им "кодовые имена". Стены Лимерика - танец с вертушкой. Осада Энниса - танец с "гребенкой". Бонфайр - "вот тот самый, такой длинный и красивый". Харвесттайм джига - "кейли-лайт". А Фейри рил у меня был "танец с ромбиками")))

Схема под катом. Осторожно, не поверите, инглиш)
THE FAIRY REELA six-hand dance for two gents and four ladies, forming two trios, the gent having a lady
on each side of him. Originally a square dance, it is now done as a progressive long dance.
(a) Advance and Retire
Gentlemen take partner´s inside hands, and all three advance in line to meet the opposite trio with Promendae Step (2 bars); retire to place (2 bars). Repeat the movement, and оn the last two ‘threes’, all six dancers form into a large ring taking hands (4 bars).
8 bars
(b) Rings
All dance side-step anti-clockwise, finishing with two short ‘threes’ (4 bars), side-step back clockwise, finishing as before (4 bars).
8 bars
(c) Advance and Retire
Repeat A.
8 bars
(d) Rings
Repeat B, but this time dance side-step clockwise first, and оn last two ‘threes’ each gent turns to face lady оn his right, who also turn to face him.
8 bars
(e) Slip Sides
The partners facing each other now take right hands, and dance side-step and ‘threes’ to gents´ left, and side-step back to places. оn the ‘threes’ the gents turn left to face partners оn left, and the ladies face front. In the meantime, the free partners have danced side-step to right and back, and оn last ‘three’ turn to face gents (8 bars) This movement is now repeated with partner оn left, the other lady dancing to left and back to original position.
16 bars
(f) Gents Centre and Link Arms
Gents dance in to centre, with Promenade Step, and linking right arms, continue round to complete four bars. They then turn, link left arms and dance round a further four bars back to places, finishing up facing partners оn the right.
Gent now gives right hand to partner оn right and turns оnce; then he passes оn to partner оn left whom he turns with left arm. He now turns to lady оn right again whom he turns in place with right hand and so back to place.
16 bars
(g) Square
The four ladies dance a square as in the Four-hand Reel, i.e., the partner оn gent´s left side-step to the right to the place of other partner, passing behind; partner оn gent´s right side-step to the left, passing in front. All end with two short ‘threes’ turning to face each other оn the second ‘three’ (4 bars). This movement is repeated in the same direction another three times to complete the four sides of a square.
At the same time the gents do a similar movement but in the shape of a diamond, i.e., each gent sidesteps to right from this position to the centre of the side of the square оn his right, and so оn till returns to his original position.
16 bars
(h) Arches
The gents now take inside hands with partners, raise right hand to form arch and, passing the partner оn left under the arch, he also passes under it (2 bars). He now raises his left hand and passes the right hand partner under the arch, again passing under it himself (2 bars). He repeats the first arch (2 bars) and all fall back into place, but continue to hold hands (2 bars).
8 bars
(i) Advance, Retire and Pass Through
Trios advance and retire, as at commencement of the dance (4 bars). All release hands, advance again, passing through, right arm to right arm, and face a new trio to recommence dance (4 bars).
8 bars

Bonfire dance

Наверное, мой самый любимый танец. Когда-то на Львовском феше провели мини-МК по нему, это был самый большой Бонфайр, который я вообще видела!
Схема под катом. Осторожно, инглиш!
бонфайрThis is a Round Dance in Reel Time for any number of couples, but preferably not fewer than six. It is supposed, traditionally, to have been danced around the Bonfire оn St. John´s Eve.
Formation: All stand in ring, facing centre, ladies оn right of partners.
(a) Advance and Retire
All join hands and advance gradually towards centre with promenade Step (4 bars). All retire to places (4 bars).
8 bars
(b) Rings
Still holding hands all side-step anticlockwise, finishing with two short ‘threes’ (4 bars). Side-step back to places, finishing as before (4 bars).
8 bars
(c) Advance and Retire
Repeat A.
8 bars
(d) Rings
Repeat B, but this time all side-step clockwise and back to places. оn the last ‘three’ partners turn to face each other.
8 bars
(e) Side-step In and Out
From this new position, all dance side-step to their right – that is, the ladies towards the centre and the gents outwards. Without doing ‘threes’, all side-step back to places.
4 bars
(f) Link Arms
Linking right arms, partners dance two ‘threes’ clockwise, to partner´s place. Release arms. Link left arms and return to face each other as before.
4 bars
(g) Side-step In and Out
Repeat E, except that this time the gents side-step towards centre and ladies outwards. 4 bars
(h) Link Arms
Repeat F, except that left arms are linked first and then right. All finish facing centre of ring.
4 bars
(i) The Rose
The ladies advance slowly towards the centre with Promenade Step for 4 bars, taking hands in a ring оn the fourth ‘three’. They now sidestep anticlockwise, and оn the two ‘threes’ they turn right to face outwards, rejoining hands in ‘back to back’ circle (4 bars).
Side-step clockwise, finishing with two short ‘threes’. During this 12 bars the gents have remained stationary with left hand оn hip and right toe pointed slightly forward. Ladies now advance towards partners, both taking right hands and turn to finish in original positions (4 bars).
16 bars
While ladies remain stationary, with left hands оn hips and right toes forward, the gents perform the Rose, but in the ring they side-step clockwise first.
16 bars
(j) Swing and Exchange Partners
Partners now take crossed hands and swing slowly for 4 bars to exchange places. (Lady is now left of partner in ring.) Partners bow to each other (1 bar); turn to face new partner (1 bar); bow to new partner (1 bar); face in and all take hands, ready to recommence dance.
8 bars
The dance may be repeated as often as desired, each lady passing оn оne place further to the left, while each gent passes to the right.

Кейли. Часть 1. Sweets of May

Буду потихоньку сохранять себе видео кейли (групповых танцев). Начну с уже известных мне, а потом пойду по новеньким.
И первая "кейля" в нашей программе - Sweets of May.

Под катом полная схема из Книги кейли (тм) Внимание! Инглиш!
СхемаFirst Figure: Rings
All dancers join hands in a ring of eight and side-step clockwise, finishing with two short ‘threes’, return anticlockwise, finishing as before (8 bars). The side-step movement is then repeated, this time moving anticlockwise, then clockwise (8 bars). While doing the last two ‘threes’, all couples, breaking the ring, fall back to their original places, partners retaining inside hands.
16 bars
The Body
(a) Cross-over and Back
1. Couples 1 and 2, partners holding inside hands, exchange places with Promenade Step, passing across, gents left shoulder to left shoulder (2 bars). While Top Couples are exchanging places Couples 3 and 4 dance two ‘threes’ in place.
2. Side Couples exchange places in like manner (2 bars) while Top Couples dance two ‘threes’. These movements are then repeated leaving all couples back in original positions (4 bars)
8 bars
(b) Advance and Retire
1. Top Couples, still holding inside hands, advance to meet in centre, while Side Couples mark time with two ‘threes’ (2 bars).
2. Sides advance to centre while Tops retire (2 bars).
3. Tops advance while Sides retire (2 bars).
4. Tops retire while Sides mark time (2 bars).
8 bars
(c) Ringing the Bells
All dancers bend and beat left hand оn left knee and right hand оn right knee 4 times (1 bar); then clap hands in front of forehead twice (1 bar). Repeat the whole movement (2 bars). Partners side-step past each other, the gent passing behind, and all dance two ‘threes’ in new places (4 bars). This movement is now repeated, but partners side-step back to place, the gents now passing in front (8 bars).
16 bars
Second Figure: Lead Around
Partners hold inside hands, and lead around anticlockwise a complete circle; release hands, about turn inwards, take inside hands (8 bars). Return clockwise back to original positions (8 bars).
16 bars
The Body is now repeated.
32 bars
Third Figure: See-Saw
All couples take uncrossed hands, swing round (revolving clockwise) moving in an anticlockwise direction (8 bars). Couples reverse their swing and return, moving in a clockwise direction to place (8 bars). (Please note that the arms are not moved up and down in this movement.).
16 bars
The Body is again repeated.
32 bars
Fourth Figure: Sides Under Arms
Partners take inside hands, Top Couples holding up hands to form an arch, and with Promenade Step, Tops and Sides change places, 2nd Sides passing under arch of 1st Tops, while 1st Sides pass under that of 2nd Tops; release hands and face about (4 bars).
All inside hands again and dance back to places, this time Sides making arches and Tops passing underneath (4 bars).
Repeat оn opposite side, i.e., 1st Sides passing under arch of 1st Tops, and 2nd Sides passing under that of 2nd Tops, returning to places (8 bars).
16 bars
The Body is repeated оnce more.
32 bars
Then the introductory movement – Céim an Fhainne (Rings) – is performed again to complete the dance.
16 bars

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