Ирландские танцы21 читатель тэги

Автор: Джиллиан

#кейли + #Bonfire dance с другими тэгами

Bonfire dance

Наверное, мой самый любимый танец. Когда-то на Львовском феше провели мини-МК по нему, это был самый большой Бонфайр, который я вообще видела!
Схема под катом. Осторожно, инглиш!
бонфайрThis is a Round Dance in Reel Time for any number of couples, but preferably not fewer than six. It is supposed, traditionally, to have been danced around the Bonfire оn St. John´s Eve.
Formation: All stand in ring, facing centre, ladies оn right of partners.
(a) Advance and Retire
All join hands and advance gradually towards centre with promenade Step (4 bars). All retire to places (4 bars).
8 bars
(b) Rings
Still holding hands all side-step anticlockwise, finishing with two short ‘threes’ (4 bars). Side-step back to places, finishing as before (4 bars).
8 bars
(c) Advance and Retire
Repeat A.
8 bars
(d) Rings
Repeat B, but this time all side-step clockwise and back to places. оn the last ‘three’ partners turn to face each other.
8 bars
(e) Side-step In and Out
From this new position, all dance side-step to their right – that is, the ladies towards the centre and the gents outwards. Without doing ‘threes’, all side-step back to places.
4 bars
(f) Link Arms
Linking right arms, partners dance two ‘threes’ clockwise, to partner´s place. Release arms. Link left arms and return to face each other as before.
4 bars
(g) Side-step In and Out
Repeat E, except that this time the gents side-step towards centre and ladies outwards. 4 bars
(h) Link Arms
Repeat F, except that left arms are linked first and then right. All finish facing centre of ring.
4 bars
(i) The Rose
The ladies advance slowly towards the centre with Promenade Step for 4 bars, taking hands in a ring оn the fourth ‘three’. They now sidestep anticlockwise, and оn the two ‘threes’ they turn right to face outwards, rejoining hands in ‘back to back’ circle (4 bars).
Side-step clockwise, finishing with two short ‘threes’. During this 12 bars the gents have remained stationary with left hand оn hip and right toe pointed slightly forward. Ladies now advance towards partners, both taking right hands and turn to finish in original positions (4 bars).
16 bars
While ladies remain stationary, with left hands оn hips and right toes forward, the gents perform the Rose, but in the ring they side-step clockwise first.
16 bars
(j) Swing and Exchange Partners
Partners now take crossed hands and swing slowly for 4 bars to exchange places. (Lady is now left of partner in ring.) Partners bow to each other (1 bar); turn to face new partner (1 bar); bow to new partner (1 bar); face in and all take hands, ready to recommence dance.
8 bars
The dance may be repeated as often as desired, each lady passing оn оne place further to the left, while each gent passes to the right.

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