Ирландские танцы21 читатель тэги

Автор: Джиллиан

#кейли + #The Fairy Reel с другими тэгами

Fairy reel

Когда-то давно, когда я еще плохо запоминала названия кейли, я давала им "кодовые имена". Стены Лимерика - танец с вертушкой. Осада Энниса - танец с "гребенкой". Бонфайр - "вот тот самый, такой длинный и красивый". Харвесттайм джига - "кейли-лайт". А Фейри рил у меня был "танец с ромбиками")))

Схема под катом. Осторожно, не поверите, инглиш)
THE FAIRY REELA six-hand dance for two gents and four ladies, forming two trios, the gent having a lady
on each side of him. Originally a square dance, it is now done as a progressive long dance.
(a) Advance and Retire
Gentlemen take partner´s inside hands, and all three advance in line to meet the opposite trio with Promendae Step (2 bars); retire to place (2 bars). Repeat the movement, and оn the last two ‘threes’, all six dancers form into a large ring taking hands (4 bars).
8 bars
(b) Rings
All dance side-step anti-clockwise, finishing with two short ‘threes’ (4 bars), side-step back clockwise, finishing as before (4 bars).
8 bars
(c) Advance and Retire
Repeat A.
8 bars
(d) Rings
Repeat B, but this time dance side-step clockwise first, and оn last two ‘threes’ each gent turns to face lady оn his right, who also turn to face him.
8 bars
(e) Slip Sides
The partners facing each other now take right hands, and dance side-step and ‘threes’ to gents´ left, and side-step back to places. оn the ‘threes’ the gents turn left to face partners оn left, and the ladies face front. In the meantime, the free partners have danced side-step to right and back, and оn last ‘three’ turn to face gents (8 bars) This movement is now repeated with partner оn left, the other lady dancing to left and back to original position.
16 bars
(f) Gents Centre and Link Arms
Gents dance in to centre, with Promenade Step, and linking right arms, continue round to complete four bars. They then turn, link left arms and dance round a further four bars back to places, finishing up facing partners оn the right.
Gent now gives right hand to partner оn right and turns оnce; then he passes оn to partner оn left whom he turns with left arm. He now turns to lady оn right again whom he turns in place with right hand and so back to place.
16 bars
(g) Square
The four ladies dance a square as in the Four-hand Reel, i.e., the partner оn gent´s left side-step to the right to the place of other partner, passing behind; partner оn gent´s right side-step to the left, passing in front. All end with two short ‘threes’ turning to face each other оn the second ‘three’ (4 bars). This movement is repeated in the same direction another three times to complete the four sides of a square.
At the same time the gents do a similar movement but in the shape of a diamond, i.e., each gent sidesteps to right from this position to the centre of the side of the square оn his right, and so оn till returns to his original position.
16 bars
(h) Arches
The gents now take inside hands with partners, raise right hand to form arch and, passing the partner оn left under the arch, he also passes under it (2 bars). He now raises his left hand and passes the right hand partner under the arch, again passing under it himself (2 bars). He repeats the first arch (2 bars) and all fall back into place, but continue to hold hands (2 bars).
8 bars
(i) Advance, Retire and Pass Through
Trios advance and retire, as at commencement of the dance (4 bars). All release hands, advance again, passing through, right arm to right arm, and face a new trio to recommence dance (4 bars).
8 bars

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