Ирландские танцы21 читатель тэги

Автор: Джиллиан

#The Sixteen-hand Reel + #кейли с другими тэгами

16-hand reel

16-рукий рил. Рил на шестнадцать человек. Почти год назад после Львовского феша проводили мастер-класс по нему. Я помню, как по дороге на феш простыла в поезде (Укрзалізниця турбується про вас!), а потом прыгала стопитсот танцев с дичайшим насморком. А на следующий день с таким же насморком потопала на МК. Ну че, выучили... Потом даже в поезде с девочками пытались вспоминать)
На память об МК осталась схемка кейли, незабываемые впечатления от пятичасовой тренировки с заложенным носом и сертификат от организации "Ирландские танцы в Украине" о том, что я теперь умею танцевать 16-рукий рил. Ах, да еще и разминка от Иллюши! Планки, тысячи их...

Схема под катом.
скрытый текстPosition of Dancers:

A, C, E, G, L, N, P, S, are gentlemen; B, D, F, H, M, O, R, T, are ladies.
Assume that couple AB are nearest the music; they are designated leading tops; CD therefore, are opposite tops. EF are leading sides, and GH opposite sides. Let couples оn right of tops, i.e., LM and NO be designated second tops, and couples оn right of sides be designated second sides, i.e., PR and ST.
1. Lead Around
As explained in 4-hand reel (16 bars)
2. The Body
(a) Sides
Gentlemen sidestep behind partner while ladies sidestep in front of partner (2 bars), ending with two short threes (2 bars); sidestep back to place, gentlemen in front (2 bars), ending with two short threes (2 bars)
(b) Hands Round
Leading and opposite tops and leading and opposite sides each form a ring with couple оn right by joining hands, shoulder high; all dance sidestep to left (2 bars), ending with two short threes (2 bars); sidestep back (2 bars), ending with two short threes; release hands (2 bars).
(c) Sides
As explained in (a) above
(d) Hands Round
As in (b) above, but forming rings with couple оn left.
(e) Half-Chain
All take partner´s right hand, half right turn; gentlemen give left hand to lady оn right, ladies give left hand to gentleman оn left; all advance to meet оncoming dancer with right hand, continue оn giving left and right hand alternately until meeting own partner with right hand in position opposite starting position (12 bars); take partner´s two hands and lead around to place in direction in which gentleman was dancing (4 bars).
(f) Link Arms
Gentlemen of leading and opposite tops and of leading and opposite sides, i.e. A,C,E,G, advance and take right arm of the respective contrary gentlemen, i.e. of L,N,P,S, inner sides of fore-arms touching; dance around each other (4 bars), release arms, advance to meet contrary lady, give left hand and dance around her (2 bars); return to place, gentlemen passing right arm to right; give right hand to partner and turn оnce in place (2 bars).
Partners take hands and dance complete circle around the couple with whom they performed the second ring (Movement 2(d)), i.e., couples 1 and 7 dance around each other, as do couples 2 and 8, 3 and 6, 4 and 5 (8 bars).
This ends the Body.
3. First Figure: Advance and Retire
As explained in 8-Hand Reel. The figure is first danced by leading and opposite tops, then by leading and opposite sides, next by second tops and finally by second sides. The Body is again performed.
4. Second Figure: Right Hand to Opposite Lady
Gentlemen of leading and opposite tops advance to lady opposite (2 bars); give right hand and turn оnce in place (2 bars); return to own partner (2 bars) give left hand and turn оnce in place (2 bars); both gentlemen advance to the centre, take right hand and turn оnce (3 bars); advance to opposite lady, give left hand and turn оnce in place (3 bars); return to own partner (2 bars). Take partner´s hands; both couples dance around each other and back to place (8 bars).
Leading and opposite sides next perform the figure, followed by second tops and finally by second sides.
The Body is again performed.
5. Third Figure: Arch Arms
Leading and opposite tops dance complete turn into the centre (2 bars); leading tops release left hands, raise right hands to form an arch, allowing opposite lady to pass through (2 bars); half turn, and allow opposite gentleman to pass through the arch (2 bars); partners take hands and dance complete turn to position opposite that at start (2 bars). Again dance into centre (2 bars); opposite tops release left hands, raise right hands and allow leading lady to pass through (2 bars); half turn, and allow leading gentleman to pass through (2 bars); partners take hands and dance to place (2 bars).
Remaining couples then perform the figure in the same order as previous figures.
The Body is again performed.
6. The Finish
All dancers join hands in circle, forearms bent sharply upwards elbows held in to the sides; advance to centre (2 bars), retire (2 bars), advance again and retire (4 bars). All sidestep anticlockwise and finish with two short threes (4 bars); sidestep back ending with two short threes (4 bars). Advance and retire twice as before (8 bars). All sidestep clockwise and back (8 bars). Each couple take hands and swing around to the right to finish off (8 bars).

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