Just give me a reason...18 читателей тэги

Автор: Alex_Exile

#сериалы + #via tumblr с другими тэгами

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Nous protégeons ceux qui ne peuvent pas se protéger eux-mêmes.

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Behold, Pop’s Chock’lit Shoppe. For decades, the heart of Riverdale. Now, the latest casualty in the town’s оngoing battle against darkness.

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Now I refer the judgement of all my offences with my life and death wholly unto your most benign and merciful grace. To be considered by no justice of your majesties laws but оnly by your infinite goodness, pity, compassion and mercy. Without which I acknowledge myself worthy of most extreme punishment.”


— Katheryn Howard

Кто может постить МакГрат вечно? Я могу постить МакГрат вечно.

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After all the shit we’ve been through, I’m starting to wonder if I’m cursed.

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Some things were hard to remember, but most came back to her easily, as if she had been there оnly yesterday. The Library Tower, with the steep stonework stair twisting about its exterior. The gatehouse, two huge bulwarks, the arched gate between them, crenellations all along the top…

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