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call me by your name [quotes]

Специально для Stella Nova под катом подборка цитат из «Call Me by Your Name» by André Aciman.
«We are not written for оne instrument alone; I am not, neither are you.»

«Fire like fear, like panic, like оne more minute of this and I’ll die if he doesn’t knock at my door, but I’d sooner he never knock than knock now.»

«This is like coming home, like coming home after years away among Trojans and Lestrygonians, like coming home to a place where everyone is like you, where people know, they just know—coming home as when everything falls into place and you suddenly realize that for seventeen years all you’d been doing was fiddling with the wrong combination.»

«...this оne is too young still, youth has no shame, shame comes with age.»

«I’m tied up in so many knots that I need the Gordian treatment.»

«The years are watching you now, every star you see tonight already knows your torment, your ancestors are gathered here and have nothing to give or say, Non c’andà, don’t go there.»

«Or does the presence of the other, who yesterday morning felt almost like an intruder, become ever more necessary because it shields us from our own hell—so that the very person who causes our torment by daybreak is the same who’ll relieve it at night?»

«...the sound of this old song, like an ancient prayer for the dead in the deadest of languages, could bring tears even in those who couldn’t understand a syllable.»

«Rehearse the pain to dull the pain. Homeopathically.»

«We rip out so much of ourselves to be cured of things faster than we should that we go bankrupt by the age of thirty and have less to offer each time we start with someone new.»

«I was thinking, instead, of Emily Brontë’s words: because “he’s more myself than I am»

«You are the оnly person I’d like to say goodbye to when I die, because оnly then will this thing I call my life make any sense. And if I should hear that you died, my life as I know it, the me who is speaking with you now, will cease to exist. Sometimes I have this awful picture of waking up in our house in B. and, looking out to the sea, hearing the news from the waves themselves, He died last night»

«...it would finally dawn оn us both that he was more me than I had ever been myself, because when he became me and I became him in bed so many years ago, he was and would forever remain, long after every forked road in life had done its work, my brother, my friend, my father, my son, my husband, my lover, myself.»

«We had found the stars, you and I. And this is given оnce оnly.»

«Cor cordium, heart of hearts, I’ve never said anything truer in my life to anyone.»

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