All for Pet Shop Boys (публикации за 29 мая 2018)2 читателя тэги

Автор: Рашн Колобашн

Март 1986 года. Фотограф Хайнц Лойтенашер

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Первая проба нового имиджа. До этих пор внешний вид и одежда Нила и Криса сильно не различалась. Как гласит легенда, руку к педобирному имиджу мальчиков приложили известные художники Гилберт и Джордж. Было решено обострить разницу в возрасте и намекнуть на различное социальное происхождение мальчиков (которого, кстати, нет). Ролевая модель "девушка и хулиган". Гы-гы.
Из статьи Филиппа Хора от 08.10.2006 годаBut it wasn't until 1986 that Tennant, Lowe and their designer, Mark Farrow, called at Gilbert and George's house to ask them to design a poster. 'I think Gilbert answered,' Tennant recalls, 'and I went into a spiel about it and he said, "Oh, I'm afraid we don't do anything that's got a purpose", and Chris said, "Oh, it doesn't have to have a purpose." So he said, "Oh, you'd better come in then."' This episode, presented as a kind of underplayed comic drama, is characteristic of the group. 'I see us in the tradition of Joe Orton and Noël Coward in that we are serious, comic, light-hearted, sentimental and brittle, all at the same time,' Tennant оnce told the novelist Michael Bracewell. 'We are of the middle class and, at the same time, we attack that kind of life. Just as we are of pop music and we attack it at the same time. Also, we do it with wit, humour and our very own individual style. There's a mocking edge to our music. We're mocking ourselves, as well as just about everybody else.'

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