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Автор: Ricky

#Україна + #злочинні організації + #дурдом с другими тэгами


Amnesty International обісралась по повній програмі. Просто процитую Yarema Dukh:


This. Is. Insane. @amnesty 's infamous report was conducted оn the Russian-occupied territories of Ukraine. With people in Russian infiltration camps. According to the governmental @StratcomCentre

Once again. Amnesty International prepared their report interviewing Ukrainians being held in Russian-controlled facilities. @StratcomCentre: Amnesty International used the testimony of people who were in infiltration camps, and prisons in the Ukrainian temporarily occupied territories to prepare the scandalous report – and therefore, the interviews were held under obvious pressure. As the governmental Center for Strategic Communications and Information Security learned, independent journalists and volunteers in Mykolaiv, Kharkiv, Donetsk, and Luhansk regions were involved in the process of gathering evidence. At the same time, most of the materials for the report were obtained during the interviews of persons who were evacuated to temporarily uncontrolled territories of Ukraine: the territory of Donetsk and Luhansk regions or Crimea. In particular, the material for the

@amnesty report was gathered оn the territory of infiltration camps and prisons, and a survey was conducted among those "willing" to provide this type of information. Therefore, the data gathered оn the camps' territory could not be used at all during the report preparation report since such interviews were set under obvious pressure from the security forces of the Russian Federation. Sometimes this kind of 'interview' was the оnly chance for Ukrainians to pass the Russian filtration camp and go outside the occupied territories. In addition, the materials collected by journalists and hired volunteers were also checked by the administration of Russian institutions and, in some cases, employees of the FSB of the Russian Federation.



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