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Администратор: natoth

#Лондо Моллари + #минбарцы с другими тэгами


Ре-дизайн рас В5 от haldora

на тумблере тоже ввязалась в ре-дизайн рас В5.
Уже сделаны минбарцы, центавриане и нарны.
Вот нарны:

Finally, the latest addition to my little redesign menagerie. The painting was a bit of a rush job, but I was just really excited to get this out there. So this оne was also partially inspired by conversations with @audible-smiles, and by her own amazing kangaroo-esque Narn design, which you can see here! Though this is probably the design that’s closest to the canon character, it was the most difficult anatomy-wise. I wanted for him to look vaguely reptilian, but with a kangaroo body plan. They range from around 6′5 to 8′0 tall, and unlike actual kangaroos, Narns can move their legs independently of each other and walk, though they definitely prefer a hopping motion. оn their planet, which is about 2/3rd Earth’s gravity, they can move very quickly, covering great distances in a few bounds.

смотреть на центавриан и минбарцевЦентавриане:

Woo! I’m really оn a roll here with these alien redesigns. Here is our glorious ambassador Londo Mollari. Perhaps unsurprisingly, I went with an avian design for the Centauri, something of a cross between a crow, a macaroni penguin, and a peacock, though I imagine there’s a lot of variety within the species when it comes to feather shape, density, and colouration. There’s also some sexual dimorphism with the females lacking the high feather crests and tending to be less colourful. They’re considerably smaller than humans, ranging from about 3′5 to 5′0 at the tallest. They’re capable of flight оn their home planet and any of their other colonies that meet their gravitational requirement, which is around 2/3rds of an Earth G. Naturally, in this universe, B5 has more extensive sections dedicated to hosting species with different gravity preferences.


Heyy, whoa, so I haven’t posted anything in ever, but in this brief lull between assignments I finally managed to get done оne of the B5 alien redesigns I originally thought up with inspiration from @audible-smiles. Here is Delenn and she’s beautiful. The Minbari design is mostly inspired by deer, though the feet are more like a tapir, since it was tough to find a recognizably ungulate foot design that would allow bipedal motion. I imagine them to be a little taller than humans оn average, 4 fingers and toes, and the crest is carved from what, left to grow naturally, would be a set of antlers. And yes, they are fuzzy~

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