Faded Fantasy3 читателя тэги

Автор: Beramode


Even before you touched me,

I belonged to you; all you had to do

was look at me.


I wondered which was sadder, leaving someone to cry after you were gone, or not having anyone who would miss you in the first place.


We are not in love. Not the way I’ve been told being in love feels like. But we have been sleeping beside each other for so many nights and I am the most beautiful doormat you have ever walked over.


It was strange the way he loved her; a side long and almost casual love, as if loving her were simply a matter of course, too natural to mention.


Introverts don’t get lonely if they don’t socialize with a lot of people, but we do get lonely if we don’t have intimate interactions оn a regular basis.


Любовь — огонь, пылающий без дыма,

Кровавая, хотя без крови, рана,

Слепая вера в истинность обмана,

Недуг незримый, но губящий зримо;


Любовь — глухая ненависть к любимой

И гнев на то, что есть, но нежеланно,

И жажда, всем владея невозбранно,

Всего себя отдать невозвратимо;


И добровольный плен, и служба той,

Кто губит нас, и все-таки любима,

И все-таки в душе царит одна.


Так можно ль сердцу дать единый строй,

Когда любовь сама неотвратимо

Вся из противоречий сплетена!


It is funny how you do not miss affection until it is given, but оnce it is, it can never be enough; you would drown in it if possible.


People who talk about their dreams are actually trying to tell you things about themselves they’d never admit in normal conversation. It’s a way for people to be honest without telling the truth.


When I look at you, my life made sense. Even the bad things made sense. They were necessary to make you possible.


Isn’t it ironic?

We ignore the оnes who adore us,

adore the оnes who ignore us,

love the оnes who hurt us,

& hurt the оnes that love us.

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