Faded Fantasy3 читателя тэги

Автор: Beramode


I just wanted to tell you that with all your faults I love you. I love or revere very few people. As for the rest, I’m ashamed of my indifference to them. But for those I love, nothing and no оne, neither I nor certainly they themselves, can ever make me stop loving them. It took me a long time to learn that; now I know it.


I’m a very private person. You don’t ask, I don’t tell.


You touch me like I am everything you asked god for. Underneath your hands I become poetry. This is the alchemy that you do.


When you’re an introvert like me and you’ve been lonely for a while, and then you find someone who understands you, you become really attached to them. It’s a real release.


Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.


Her heart was a secret garden and the walls were very high.


Sometimes you have to be apart from people you love, but that doesn’t make you love them any less. Sometimes you love them more.


Я был блажен, я был жесток

В своих желаниях ревнивых,

Чтоб хоть на родинку еще

Была ты менее красивой.

Но ты божественна была,

До исступления совершенна.

Надежду только обожгла.

И вот молюсь самозабвенно.


It is an art of the most exquisite kind to touch someone’s soul before touching their skin.


You have been the last dream of my soul.

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