Faded Fantasy3 читателя тэги

Автор: Beramode


I want to gnaw at the earth with my teeth,

I want to take the earth apart bit by bit

with dry, burning bites.

I want to mine the earth till I find you,

and kiss your noble skull,

and un-shroud you, and return you.


Constantly, consistently, continually you.


It wasn’t logic, it was love.


Claws that he dressed up

in gentleness and flowers

but which, in the end, he bares

in all his cruelty.


- The triumph of the night. From your most beautiful hands,

Flow all the shadows and all the stars,

And my body becomes as deep as the heavens!


Go to sleep. Give up your body heat, your beating heart.

Then, trust.


The city is peopled

with spirits, not ghosts, O my love:


Though they crowded between

and usurped the kiss of my mouth

their breath was your gift,

their beauty, your life.


- Why are you looking at me that way?

- Because there is nothing оn this earth that’s better than you.


A heart patient to suffer; a craving for sympathy, yet a perpetual self denial.


I am alone. I am eating my heart out.

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