Faded Fantasy3 читателя тэги

Автор: Beramode


My idle hands

and restless mind -

into darkness

begin to delve.


Seldom do I think of you

but today I thought

of little else.


I like people who dream or talk to themselves interminably; I like them, for they are double. They are here and elsewhere.


I am strangely tired, not from having talked so much but at the mere thought of what I still have to say.


Grace is what matters, in anything... That's a quality I admire quite greatly. It keeps you from reaching for the gun too quickly, keeps you from destroying things too foolishly. It keeps you alive and it keeps you open for more understanding.


That was yesterday. Today we pass оn, we see it no more, and we are different, changed in some infinitesimal way. We can never be quite the same again.


My whole being calls for an act of violence, but I still use velvet gloves.


I wanted

to know all the bones of your spine, all

the pores of your skin,

tendrils of body hair.

To let

all of my skin, my hands,

ankles, shoulders, breasts,

even my shadow,

be forever imprinted

with whatever of you

is forever unknown to me.

To cradle your sleep.


I can promise you books and conversation and all my heart.


…At night I dream that you and I are two plants

that grew together, roots entwined.


I’m with you. No matter what else you have in your head I’m with you and I love you.

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