Faded Fantasy3 читателя тэги

Автор: Beramode


I wasn’t actually in love, but I felt a sort of tender curiosity.


I just miss you, in a quite simple desperate human way. Oh my dear, I can’t be clever and stand-offish with you: I love you too much for that. Too truly. You have no idea how stand-offish I can be with people I don’t love. I have brought it to a fine art. But you have broken down my defences. And I don’t really resent it.


Él es el amor de mi vida, pero no en esta vida.


When something bothered me, I didn’t talk with anyone about it. I thought it over all by myself, came to a conclusion, and took action alone. Not that I really felt lonely. I thought that’s just the way things are. Human beings, in the final analysis, have to survive оn their own.


Discretion is being able to raise your eyebrow instead of your voice.




I have built

Deep in my heart

A chapel filled with you.


He loved with single heart and refused to cheapen himself or his love.


Perhaps we should love ourselves so fiercely, that when others see us they know exactly how it should be done.


I have often regretted my speech, never my silence.



I tell myself I am searching for something. But more and more, it feels like I am wandering, waiting for something to happen to me, something that will change everything, something that my whole life has been leading up to.

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