Faded Fantasy3 читателя тэги

Автор: Beramode

#Philia + #Slip the Veil с другими тэгами


Seeing you heals me.


To conceal anything from those to whom I am attached, is not in my nature. I can never close my lips where I have opened my heart.


- What kind of love are you talking about?

- The kind of love that owns you. The kind where you know the other person inside and out. Where you can go through hell and back and still make it out ok.


Although you sit in a room that is gray,

I know

how furiously

your heart is beating.


I dream about people who don’t need to have sex to know they love each other. I dream about people who would оnly ever kiss you оn the cheek.


I keep trying to force myself to speak of the things that remain mute inside.


In order to properly care for things

They must be loved

And touched


Want to give it

A go?


I am aware that I am less than some people prefer me to be, but most people are unaware that I am so much more than what they see.



You are here, you are here, you intoxicate me, I sense you.

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