Faded Fantasy3 читателя тэги

Автор: Beramode

#Philia + #Ethics Becomes Aesthetics с другими тэгами


Loving someone who cannot love you the same way in return is not weakness. It’s оne of the most courageous things you’ll ever do. You are putting your armour at their feet and you are saying ‘I will not fight you in this. I have loved you and that means that I have already won.


I never realized what a big deal that was. How amazing it is to find someone who wants to hear about all the things that go оn in your head.


After all these years, I can safely say - after touching you, I do not have the same hands.


Is falling in love with someone’s story the same thing as falling in love with the person himself?


I don’t just want to take your breath away. I want to rip it from your mouth and keep it locked away between my teeth. You can оnly have it back if you kiss me again.


My soul and yours are the same,

You appear in me, I in you,

We hide in each other.


I’ll never ask you to be anything other than exactly you.


He’s so damned nice and he’s so awful. He’s my sort of thing.


I think I could have loved you better than anyone, and I can’t stop making lists of all the times I almost told you that.


Stay soft.

It looks beautiful оn you.

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