Faded Fantasy3 читателя тэги

Автор: Beramode

#Philia искать «Philia» по всему сайту с другими тэгами


I want you flat оn your back. Helpless, tender, open with оnly me to help. And then I want you strong again. You’re not going to die. You might wish you’re going to die, but you’re not going to. You need to settle down a little.


I am оnly responsible for my own heart, you offered yours up for the smashing my darling. оnly a fool would give out such a vital organ.




tell me all the things I need

to hear. tell me my heart

makes you kinder and my

laughter takes your breath away.


I should have gone through life half awake if you’d had the decency to leave me alone.




My lover has burning lips

and a row of sharp teeth when with laughter

he replies to the challenge of the world.




I have dreamed so much of you,

Walked so often, talked so often with you,

Loved your shadow so much.

Nothing is left me of you.

Nothing is left of me but a shadow among shadows,

A being a hundred times more shadowy than a shadow,

A shadowy being who comes, and comes again, in your sunlit life.



I wish, as well as everybody else, to be perfectly happy; but, like everybody else, it must be in my own way.


My heart is not captured easily. I am disinterested in small talk, disillusioned with love, and too focused оn my dreams and aspirations to lend anybody my attention for long. But if we make that connection, if you find your way into my heart, God, I will fall for you like gravity has let go of the earth.




I want to fall to sleep with you,

and I could care less

whether it is in

layers upon layers

of clothing

or оnly our skin -

all I really want is to wake up

not knowing

where I end and you begin.



I’ve always liked quiet people: You never know if they’re dancing in a daydream or if they’re carrying the weight of the world.

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