Faded Fantasy3 читателя тэги

Автор: Beramode

#Ethics Becomes Aesthetics + #Behaviorism с другими тэгами


That’s the thing about introverts; we wear our chaos in the inside where no-one can see it.


The traumatized are unpredictable because we know we can survive.


So, if you are too tired to speak, sit next to me because I, too, am fluent in silence.


I don’t trust words. I even question actions - but I never doubt patterns.


-Where does the difference between the past and the future come from?

-Mine? Before you and after you.


We were together. I forget the rest.


I no longer have the energy for meaningless friendships, forced interactions, or unnecessary conversations.


We can’t get away from оne another. We always come together again.


I don’t feel it’s okay if nobody understands me. I’ve got people I want to understand and be understood by. But aside from those few, well, I feel it’s kind of hopeless.


I still love the people I’ve loved, even if I cross the street to avoid them.

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