Faded Fantasy3 читателя тэги

Автор: Beramode

#Ethics Becomes Aesthetics + #Philia с другими тэгами


I did not like to be touched, but it was a strange dislike. I did not like to be touched because I craved it too much. I wanted to be held very tight so I would not break.




I was put together wrong

Still I was made for you

When our stitches come undone

We come together like glue.




When you look at her,

if you do not feel

blessed to have her.

She is not yours to keep.

She is another man’s blessing.


You are unexplored, unusual, and terrifyingly beautiful. And оnly a few will know how to love you without breaking you and making you dangerous.

* * *

To have someone understand your mind is different kind of intimacy.

* * *



Who said that love was fire?

I know that love is ash.

It is the thing which remains

When the fire is spent.

The holy essence of experience.


I want you flat оn your back. Helpless, tender, open with оnly me to help. And then I want you strong again. You’re not going to die. You might wish you’re going to die, but you’re not going to. You need to settle down a little.


I am оnly responsible for my own heart, you offered yours up for the smashing my darling. оnly a fool would give out such a vital organ.




tell me all the things I need

to hear. tell me my heart

makes you kinder and my

laughter takes your breath away.


I should have gone through life half awake if you’d had the decency to leave me alone.

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