Faded Fantasy3 читателя тэги

Автор: Beramode

#Ethics Becomes Aesthetics + #Slip the Veil с другими тэгами




here's my neck: cut it

you'll need a lamb to sacrifice

on your altar

- gods demand blood.


here's my mind: take it

shatter it, raise your empire

from my ruins

- gods demand change.


here's my body: take it

use it, sink your teeth into it, claim it

as your own

- gods demand devotion.


here's my heart: grab it

eat it, tear it apart, swallow it


- I've found religion.


He took her into his arms again, using all his strength to be gentle, and let his lips touch hers so lightly he could hardly feel it.


Nothing resembles selfishness more closely than self-respect.

* * *

And my hands are not clean, maybe they never will be. But they can still carry you home when you are ready to sleep.


If I got rid of my demons, I’d lose my angels.



A glimpse through an interstice caught,

Of a crowd of workmen and drivers in a bar-room around the stove late of a winter night, and I unremark’d seated in a corner,

Of a youth who loves me and whom I love, silently approaching and seating himself near, that he may hold me by the hand,

A long while amid the noises of coming and going, of drinking and oath and smutty jest,

There we two, content, happy in being together, speaking little, perhaps not a word.



Take away this mask of flesh and bone and see me for my soul alone.




Some people underestimate how erotic it is to be understood.




Your absence has gone through me

Like thread through a needle.

Everything I do is stitched with its color.



I’m yours for ever–for ever and ever. Here I stand; I’m as firm as a rock. If you’ll оnly trust me, how little you’ll be disappointed. Be mine as I am yours.

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