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Автор: Shikky-chan

#На английском + #(с) TV Tropes с другими тэгами

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One year in the mid-seventies, the University of Regina's Anarchist Party ran a frozen turkey as their candidate for president of the student council. And won. (Student government for that year consisted of weekly general meetings open to all students and motions decided by majority vote, over which the turkey presided.) At the end of the year, the Anarchists cooked and ate their president.

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In a philosophy final exam, the оnly question оn the test was "Why?". While students scribbled furiously to answer the question, оne student finished in seconds, handed in his paper, got a perfect score, and walked out. His answer? "Why not?"

С форума тивитропов про логику в МСЮ и Диси

Stark: Does anyone have any awesome secret powers they haven't revealed yet?

Romanov: Hey Tony, whatever happened to Veronica?

Stark: Who? I don't know, probably hates my guts, I didn't keep track of them before Pepper.

Romanov: What? No, I meant—

Stark: I know you like matchmaking during fights but this isn't really the time!


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Потащено с тивитропов

Neville Longbottom uses Nagini's blood as soy sauce.

Neville would have done it in four books.

In a fight between Grindelwald and Voldemort, the winner would be Neville.

Neville Longbottom will reject your bribes and kill your pet.

What happens when you break an Unbreakable Vow? Neville.

When riding the Knight Bus, Neville refers to himself as Harry Potter to avoid unwanted attention.

Why did Voldemort mark Harry as his equal? Because he took оne look at baby Neville and said "Oh, hell no."

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