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Г'Кван (фанарт)

Обоже, статуэтка ГКара прекрасна!





Ну и Моллари тоже:



ГКар и НаТот, три стадии отношений (гифки)

И три стадии общения с послом у прекрасной атташе:

"Чего тебе надобно, старче?"

"Не плачь, маленький, я найду для тебя новый цветок"

"Посол, проснитесь!" (она его тааак трогательно там будит, риалли. всегда умилял этот момент, хотя причина, по которой она его будила, просто жуткая. Видать, атташе не хотелось огорчать посла такими новостями...)

"Забери меня отсюда поскорее, я все прощу!"

и на закуску чудесный арт от той же jenniferstolzer

Нарнский редизайн




 от Халдоры






















Факты о кастинге на роль ГКара и об Андреасе Кацуласе чуток


Актер Вильям Морган Шеппард, сыгравший в В5 Охотника за душами и Г'Стена (дядю ГКара), пробовался на роль Г'Кара. Но в итоге она досталась Кацуласу.

(это известнейший британский актер, сыгравший и в СтарТреке и в Докторе Кто итп).


Ну ваще...

Хотя да, искать каст уже среди тех, кто пробовался, логично.

Например, Кэйтлин Браун, сыгравшая На'Тот в первом сезоне, вообще-то пробовалась на роль Деленн.

Но та роль досталась в итоге Мире Фурлан, а когда стали искать замену на роль атташе посла Нарна, вспомнили и про Браун.




Ну и вдогонку. Могила Кацуласа находится в городе, где он родился, Сент-Луисе (Миссури). Так как мир имеет форму чемодана, то артер Дженифер Штольцер, которая много рисовала артов с ГКаром и Лондо и выкладывала на тумблере, живет в этом же городе и ей до кладбища немного на машине проехать. Но узнала об этом, ессно, от другого фана, живущего воще где-то в Канаде. В итоге она съездила на могилу, положила цветы, сделала фото и... вот они:

полный текст

jbk405 о НаТот и спасении ее из тюрьмы

I think Londo and G’Kar rescuing Na’Toth from a Centauri dungeon in “A Tragedy of Telepaths” is a microcosm for the entire Centauri problem.


We see the inertia of the Centauri Republic, that a person has literally been left imprisoned for years simply out of bureaucratic obstinacy. She wasn’t ordered put to death, she wasn’t even specifically sentenced to life imprisonment, she was just locked away and then forgotten. Nearly forgotten to death. Because the man who ordered her imprisoned didn’t think about her afterwards, and everybody who did think about her afterwards — оnly the guards оn her cell — didn’t think to question why they were there or what the point was. They just kept following their assigned roles because that’s what Centauri do.


Just like Londo himself at the start of the series. Going through the motions and acting out his role as “proper” Centauri. Scheming and politicking and starting war for glory and arrogance because it is expected of him and because оnce he sets the first of it in motion, others continue it beyond even what he expected or wanted.


And when Londo discovers Na’Toth in her cell, despite being Prime Minister and the second most powerful person in the republic, he is still powerless to save her. Because the word of a mad emperor, dead now for more than a year at the hands of his own subjects, is still more powerful than his. It doesn’t matter that Cartagia is dead, or that if he was alive he wouldn’t care because he would have long since forgotten about her, all that matters is that he gave an order and that order will be followed. No matter the consequences.


Just like the Centauri Republic as a whole. Londo has long since stopped trying to restore the republic to glory, he has learned that it is not what he wants and it is not good for his people, but despite his star being in ascendance for years, despite being the Prime Minister now and despite being the next Emperor, he can’t stop it. The inertia of the politicking and backstabbing royal court who all have their own motives, and the outside conspiracies, mean that even though he is soon to become the most powerful man in the republic he still can’t stop it.


So, since Londo can’t countermand the order keeping Na’Toth in chains, he cheats. He sneaks her out with the help of G’Kar because it is оne tiny good deed that he can do, because he knows that G’Kar will take revenge if he doesn’t. And after he does it, he revels in it, that this is at last something he can be happy he did with no regrets.


Just like his larger work with G’Kar. They assassinated Cartagia together, they conspired to free Narn from Centauri occupation, and now they’re trying to build a real peace between their peoples. And Londo doesn’t do all of out of the goodness of his heart, some he does оnly because G’kar extorts it out of him when he needs G’kar’s help, but at the end of it he sees that they were good (or at least necessary) actions.


Saving this оne imprisoned woman is how he endeavors to save his entire people.


взято отсюда

Еще прекрасное от eusuchia

Больше тут: B5 fanart zone (337 words) by eusuchia
Chapters: 10/10
Fandom: Babylon 5
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Stephen Franklin/G'Kar
Characters: Stephen Franklin, G'Kar, Na'Toth (Babylon 5)
Additional Tags: Fanart, Fan Comics, I am оnly capable of fixating оn оne thing at a time. here is the evidence

Small collection of B5 fanart, comics + doodles, because I am vain and because tumblr is hardly the most efficient place to store/search for posts.

семейная сцена

ГКар и НаТот






Продолжаем зажигать, на сей раз о чем мечтает Франклин?


Автор: kaprosuchus


Франклин и ГКар

Г'Кар, Деленн и Лондо (в стиле ... в общем, в стиле)

Автор: pizdulgiver

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