Нарнофилия11 читателей тэги

Автор: natoth

#флэшмобы + #фанфики с другими тэгами

Флэшмоб-вопросник. Надо будет ответить потихоньку.

Ask a reader meme

In the beginning… ( Questions A1-A10)

When did you start reading fanfiction?

How did you find your first fic?

When did you get your AO3/FFN/Wattpad account (whichever was first)?

What is your AO3/FFN/Wattpad username? Has it always been that?

Who was the first author you subscribed to?

What is the first fic you bookmarked?

Why did you leave your first comment? Do you remember what it was?

What was your first fandom? Are you still in that fandom now?

Who was your first ship?

Who did you have your first fanfic-related conversation with? What was it about?

Best of the best (Questions B1-B10)

Which оne’s better for reading fic: FFN, AO3, Wattpad, or tumblr? Why?

What’s the best time of day for reading fic? Why?

What’s the best device to read оn (phone, laptop, tablet…)? Why?

Who is your current favourite author? What is their best story?

Which story have you read more than any other? How many times?

What is your favourite story trope? Why?

Which character is your favourite to read about? Why?

Is there a show or a book that you gave up оn that you went back to later? Why did you come back to it?

Who is your OTP?

What is the best plot twist you’ve ever seen?

Worst of the worst (Questions C1-C10)

What trope are you tired of reading? Why?

What word or expression always makes you cringe when you read it?

Is there anything that makes you nope out of a story? What is it?

What thing that fandom loves do you actually kind of hate? Why?

What character that fandom loves are you just kinda “meh” about? Why?

Is there anything in canon that made you want to quit the show? What was it? Why did you hate it?

Who is your NOTP?

What is оne plot twist you wish people would stop using?

What show did you really try to watch, but you just couldn’t?

What book could you just never get into, no matter how hard you tried?

Present day… (Questions D1-D10)

When did you read your last fic?

Who/Where did you get your last fic rec from?

Which did you log into more recently: AO3, FFN, or Wattpad?

If you don’t have an account оn AO3, FFN, or Wattpad, do you want оne? Why or why not?

How many authors are you subscribed to?

How many bookmarks do you have?

Why did you leave your most recent comment? Will you share it with us?

Which fandoms do you read fic for?

Who do you discuss fandom-related things with most often?

What is оne story idea you really want to read but no оne has written yet?

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