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Автор: natoth

#фактбуки + #цитаты с другими тэгами

Тяжелый крейсер класса "Г'Кван" (не канон, инфа взята из фактбуков)

О, пусть будет тут, всяко пригодится. Хотя у меня где-то в закромах была книга по военным кораблям В5...

о самом крейсере:

ну и просто полюбоваться. Имхо, самый красивый космический корабль в сериале, после кораблей теней и ворлонцев. Ладно, согласна, что минбарские шарлины тоже ничего.



Из книги про нарнские корабли (условный канон, потому что от Мангус)


скачать книгу можно тут



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Мастер ка'ток

Выдержки из нарнского фактбука, не канон, но все равно впечатляет. Попробуем представить, что собой представлял Та'Лон (поскольку из вавилонских нарнов, он был как раз мастером ка'ток, которого мы могли видеть).


Ka’Toc Master

A Ka’Toc master is more than just a warrior; he is a student of what it means to be Narn and what his place is in the galaxy. A Ka’Toc Master never calls himself оne. He is aware that there is always something more to learn and something greater to strive for than what he has already attained. To consider оne’s self a master of anything is to entertain arrogance of the highest level. It is a deception that оnly blinds the deceiver.


It is this denial of truth that must be avoided at all costs, as a Ka’Toc Master is taught early оn that the hardest thing in the universe to cut is the web of deceit that lies like a shroud over all reality. To become a true master of the Ka’Toc is to learn to see through the deceptions and glimpse the universe for what it is- infinite and filled with promise. All of this is done in terms that revolve around the weapon skills of the Ka’Toc, a symbol of the honour and martial traditions that date back to long before the Centauri came to the Narn Homeworld.

Most who wield the Ka’Toc do so with honour, but few have the patience or foresight to seek out a Ka’Toc Master and endure the arduous training that can hone their skills into something that transcends mere fighting. A true Ka’Toc Master can do things with his weapon that other Narn would never believe, mostly because other Narn could never comprehend the mental and physical enlightenment that makes such expressions of skill possible.

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