Книга На'Тот21 читатель тэги

Автор: natoth

#взято с тумблера + #творческий дыбр с другими тэгами

Виш-лист фикрайтера :)

Не буду переводить, и так все понятно. Но люто-бешено плюсую. :)


Wishlist of a Fanfic Writer

Small, easy things you can do:


Like my post about my story.

Leave kudos оn AO3.


Bigger things you can do, but still pretty easy:


Reblog my story link, so that people who aren’t following me will see it too. Maybe add a comment or tags about how much you enjoyed it.

Leave a short comment оn AO3.


Biggish things you can do that will make an author very happy:


Make your own post reccing my story, and telling people what you enjoyed about it.

Leave a detailed comment оn AO3, telling me what you liked about my story, what moved you, what made you laugh, what your favourite part was, and asking any questions you happen to have about it.


Huge, amazing, omg things you can do to make an author love you forever:


Draw art based оn my story.

Ask to borrow оne of my OCs for a story of your own.

Ask to translate оne of my stories into your own language.

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