Автор: Arnel

к pl 57-27

К этой серии относится эпизод с Лонсю и принцессой Юэкэ, в давние времена подаривший мне веерофейспалмную гифку (положившую начало фэйспалмной коллекции там))

ранеегиф раз
Оказывается, они познакомились в досюжетные времена на вечеринке для элиток. История прелестнейшая, Лонсю такой Лонсю Оставлю тут коммент от Аглаи)
скрытый текст霜旒月珂 is the princess of 冰樓 (обледенелая башня). She was born with a sliver spoon in mouth, and enjoyed leading a life of luxury. And our 龍宿 is a real expert in extravagance~ Princess had noticed him for a while before they first met in series.
It was in a party, a lot of rich celebrities were invited, and they brought their precious possessions there to exhibit. Of course, there was a competition, about which оne have the best taste of collection. Princess won the second place, while 龍宿 was considered as the champion.
It was in a party, a lot of rich celebrities were invited, and they brought their precious possessions there to exhibit. Of course, there was a competition, about which оne have the best taste of collection. Princess won the second place, while 龍宿 was considered as the champion.
…Then they finally met. Princess reminded 龍宿 about the party, and they started to show off their own clothes and decorations XDD Eventually Princess took out her secret treasure, and claimed that nothing was rarer than this dress, except a pearl named 一珠千曜. And it turned out that, the owner of the pearl was 龍宿. He said he agreed with her, and this pearl was destined to belong to a beautiful princess, who can help to revive his friend 佛劍. Princess accepted the present pleasantly, and from then оn, she took him as her fiance.
It’s a pity that 龍宿 didn’t have same passion for her. I think, he cares 仙凤 more than princess.

仙凤 - его служанка-ученица, я ее Фенечкой зову, про них всех будет дальше.
К тому же бьется челом о веер он дважды за сцену.

гиф два
Надеюсь при случае выяснить, что же такого несет Юэкэ)
Пытаюсь представить эту парочку в совместной жизни: он таскает в башню сокровища ("дракон" и "башня" в его имени очень кстати)), она - охраняет! Потом они сидят в сокровищнице и эээ... получают удовлетворение от созерцания бусиков.
"Любить это не смотреть друг на друга, любить это смотреть в одном направлении"
...как называется чувство при мысли о фанфиках, которые никогда не будут написаны.

АПД, Аглая объяснила про Юэкэ и сад)

This is a villa Princess built for 龍宿. The manor of 龍宿 was called 三分春色. 三分 means 30%, and 春色 means “the beautiful scene in spring days”. It means, “in my garden, a little corner оn earth, there I kept the lovely spring stay for me, where you can see the different beauty of different places of the world”.
Princess wanted to keep 龍宿 beside her. She thought he maybe reject this propose because he missed his manor, so she gave him a similar property as a present XDD She even copied the name: 七分 means 70%, and 秋色 means the scene of autumn.


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