Автор: Arnel

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Колоритный персонаж; насчет его дизайна есть комментарий от Аглаи: скрытый текстI think the costume of 弁襲君 is very impressive and gorgeous. Both 弁 and 襲 are the names of some parts of a formal outfit, which people usually wore in ancient China for ceremony. According to his name, audience can imagine this character it’s very elegant and glamorous, just like those clothes. And look at his finger, a nice special decoration! This kind of decoration оn fingers used to be popular at court in ancient China, but usually it’s the concubines of emperor would wear it оn their little fingers. 弁襲君 put it оn his index finger, and most of time he kept a gesture like this:👌🏻 And thats not for “ok”😂. The reason is we think this gesture looks like the head of peacocks. (He can transform himself into a black peacock.)


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