Pili Puppet Show13 читателей тэги

Автор: Arnel

#Qiluo Sheng/Цило Шэн/綺羅生 + #+китайское познавательное с другими тэгами

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Очередной пучок интересности от Аглаи: мечи 剑 и сабли 刀 говорят о характере владельца)

"Actually different kinds of weapons also reflect the personalities of characters. For example, 剑 was considered as prime weapon in ancient China, and the men use it were considered as most virtuous, and often isolated from the dirty world.
意琦行 (И Цисин) is a very isolated and proud person. He even got himself a rule: 剑不过顶 (he never lift his sword above his head). Because he wanted to approve that, man is the owner of his weapon, everything should obey the man's will. Since he got a hair style like that, this must not be very difficult task XDD His rule number two is оnly those he appreciated can call him as his name, apart from that anybody should call him as 剑宿. (绮罗生 made fun of this a lot))

As for 刀, it is a symbol of liberty. 绮罗生 (Цило Шэн) chose to be a homeless guy, living in a floating boat without destination, because he loved freedom."
Касательно Цисина... не, ну вы подумайте какой пафосный алко сяньшэн! Чтоб его при встрече спрашивали каждый раз "а 剑宿 уже перестал пить коньяк по утрам?.."
Пока искала подходящие картинки, поняла две вещи:
- у меня много неповешенных красивых дубликатов Цисина
- я хочу поговорить о пионах на спине Цило.
досматривать 15ю серию видимо будет тетя Ася

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