I am the closest thing to God (публикации за 27 мая 2020)4 читателя тэги

Автор: Remake

Weight of the World

Citizen Soldier - Weight of the World


Feel the weight of the world

Over me, tonight

If I break, if I break down this time

Hope you know I tried


My mind's such a mess

I can't handle it

I'm at the end of my rope

I'm so sick of this

Just so over it

Why won't you let me let go



My neck is breaking, body shaking

Sometimes it's so hard to breathe

But no оne sees it follows me

I always end up underneath

The weight of the world


I don't like, like myself very much

Despite all your kind words

Can't explain why I'm hurting myself

But it feels deserved


These thoughts won't rest

I can't forgive

I overthink until I'm sick

I'm too damn tired

Too worn to fight

I don't feel strong enough

To leave оn the light


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