I am the closest thing to God4 читателя тэги

Автор: Remake

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Burn It Down


The World I Used To Know

Starving To Be Empty

Time Is Running Out

Feel so Empty

Dream оn Dreamer - Feel so Empty

The end

Drink the poison, light up like gasoline
Fill the cup up, it's time for you to bleed
There's something different now
The taste of ink, it won't go down
Sweet destruction has my hand again

I never thought that I could feel so empty
Don't even feel like I'm alive
I crash and burn until I see the reaper
Maybe he'll take this weight of mine
One piece at a time
Rising up from the inside
Self-destructing again
I'm desperate to pull myself out, but
I keep falling in

I never thought that I could feel so empty
Don't even feel like I'm alive
I crash and burn until I see the reaper
Maybe he'll take this weight of mine
One piece at a time

Distant future, it's not a thing for me
Living wasted, I don't need to breathe
There's something different now
The taste of ink, it won't stay down
Sweet destruction, take my hand again

Rising up from the inside
Self-destructing again
I'm desperate to pull myself out, but
I keep falling in
I try to run but I just sink into the sand
My heart is telling me I want to live again

Turn the lights out, come оn, make it darker
We don't need a reason to get higher
Watch me throw it all into the fire
Gonna tell the world that you’re a liar

Where Are You

This Is Not the End

How Can I Live

Comfort & Chaos

Death Is оnly The End If You Assume The Story Is About You

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