Автор: Ирбис

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Пытаюсь собрать плейлист для своего ОТП по Dishonored, потому как твердо намерена написать что-нибудь про этих мудаков на ФБ в этом году. Кто-то же должен, потому что в ру-фандоме, как оказалось, про них есть всего один фик — и тот мой перевод. Додай себе сам.

На самом деле их было как-то много на Фикбуке, от одного и того же автора и по большей части... ну, такие себе. А потом автор взял их и удалил все.


Мой ОТП по Dishonored — когда плохим людям хорошо вместе. Процитирую еще любимый фичок на английском:


One could argue what Martin had said was nothing and no оne should trust a liar like him. Those people could say anything they wanted. They didn’t see the rare sincerity in Martin’s eyes when he said that. It wasn’t something that could be faked. It showed him that under layers and layers of deception, Martin still had a heart. Daud knew how hard and painful it was to peel those layers and gave a peek to his deepest core because Daud wasn’t the most honest man either. There were things he kept from the world, things he buried and hid even from Corvo. They were both men of secrets and in those secrets they thrived and became the men they were now.


“We’re both horrible men,” Daud said, “but maybe two wrongs can make things right.”


Martin let out a loud and undignified laughter. Strangely enough, Daud didn’t feel offended and joined him with a chuckle. “You are the worst man I know,” Martin told him. “Good night, Daud.”


A small smile crept to his face. “Good night, Martin.”




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