Автор: Mifistofel

Those who cannot acknowledge themselves, will eventually fail


Naruto was so full of lessons.... more life lessons I could never learn if I just heard them from someone.


Iruka taught me... not to judge people by their reputations but by their personalities.

Haku taught me... that there is no good or evil when you're protecting the оnes you love.

Neji taught me... that if you leave your pride behind you can change your destiny.

Rock Lee taught me... that hard work beats talent.

Kakashi taught me... that teamwork and friendship stand above the rules.

Hinata taught me... that love is worth fighting for.

Sai taught me... that a life without feeling isn't worthwhile.

Sakura taught me... that weakness is a choice, not an excuse.

Gaara taught me... how painful loneliness can be and how love can change someone.

Nagato taught me... that revenge and hatred оnly lead to more revenge and hatred.

Asuma taught me... how important it is to take care of the next generation.

Shikamaru taught me... that sometimes you even have to do the things that bother you the most.

Might Gai taught me... that it doesn't matter what other people say about you.

Minato and Kushina taught me... that parent's love beat all else.

Sarutobi taught me... that problems should be solved with kindness rather than with violence.

Sasuke taught me... that you should not оnly dream about things but actually achieve them.

Itachi taught me that... sometimes you have to make sacrifices for the greater good.

Tsunade taught me... to never abandon the living for the dead.

Jiraya taught me... that you must never give up your faith in humanity and your hope of peace.

Obito taught me... that it is never too late to revert to the right way.

Madara taught me... that peace is no peace without freedom.

And Naruto... well, we all know that Naruto taught us a lot. but the most important thing is: no matter what happens in your life... never give up.


"When people get hurt, they learn to hate... When people hurt others, they become hated and racked with guilt. But knowing that pain allows people to be kind. Pain allows people to grow... and how you grow is up to you."


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