Faded Fantasy3 читателя тэги

Автор: Beramode

#Limerence + #Ethics Becomes Aesthetics + #Behaviorism с другими тэгами


When I look at you, my life made sense. Even the bad things made sense. They were necessary to make you possible.


I will kiss your scars as you heal, I will sit by your side and hold your hand. I will write invisible secrets and paragraphs and maybe a book into your skin at night, while you sleep warm next to me.



I will love you if you don’t marry me. I will love you if you marry someone else… and I will love you if you have a child, and I will love you if you have two children, or three children, or even more… and I will love you if you never marry at all, and never have children, and spend your years wishing you had married me after all, and I must say that оn late, cold nights I prefer this scenario out of all the scenarios I have mentioned.


Я был блажен, я был жесток

В своих желаниях ревнивых,

Чтоб хоть на родинку еще

Была ты менее красивой.

Но ты божественна была,

До исступления совершенна.

Надежду только обожгла.

И вот молюсь самозабвенно.


I need someone. I need to hold somebody close. And I need more than this holding. I need someone to understand how I feel at a time like now. And the understanding must be part of the holding.


Yes, I want to be your friend. I want to be the friend you fall hopelessly in love with. The оne you take into your arms and into your bed and into the private world you keep trapped in your head. I want to be that kind of friend.


I’m tired, can’t think of anything and want оnly to lay my face in your lap, feel your hand оn my head and remain like that through all eternity.


Are you healed or do you оnly think you’re healed?

I told myself

from nothing

nothing could be taken away.

But can you love anyone yet?

When I feel safe, I can love.

But will you touch anyone?

I told myself

if I had nothing

the world couldn’t touch me.

In the bathtub, I examine my body.

We’re supposed to do that.

I was vigilant: when I touched myself

I didn’t feel anything.

Were you safe then?

I was never safe, even when I was most hidden.

Even when I was waiting.

So you couldn’t protect yourself?

The absolute

erodes; the boundary, the wall

around the self erodes.

If I was waiting I had been

invaded by time.

But do you think you’re free?

I think I recognize the patterns of my nature.

But do you think you’re free?

I had nothing

and I was still changed.

Like a costume, my numbness

was taken away. Then

hunger was added.


Betrayal and forgiveness are best seen as something more akin to falling in love.

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