Автор: natoth

Про нарнские имена (взято из The Narn Regime Fact Book, не канон)

Стражинский признал книги и прочую продукцию от Mangoose не каноном, но если надо создать имя для нарна или еще какой бэкграунд, их можно использовать.



Narn Lore – оn the Naming of Narn

Narn names are a two part process and are usually motivated by either family heritage or religious background. The first part of any Narn’s name is a prefix based оn оne of the classic letters of their ancient dialect. This language had a religious significance when it was first used, but a derivative of it stripped of most ecclesiastic overtones serves as the current Narn alphabet. The prefixes are thought to impart some of their meaning to the infant and are therefore carefully chosen for this reason.

The suffix of a Narn name is always capitalized and is usually a short word in the Narn language that embodies some hope the parents have for their infant or, more commonly, is the same suffix as an honoured family member. оn rare occasions, the suffix is a word in some other language. This оnly occurs when the parents are trying to commemorate some honoured associate of their family from another world or species. For example, Ta’Lon’s first child is named Na’Sher; this honours John Sheridan, the man who saved Ta’Lon’s life in 2259.

The ancient Narn alphabet and its usual context is:



Da: Sun, or radiance.

Du: Moon, or darkness.

G: Chosen of destiny.

H: Walker of new trails.

Ha: Sight, or seer.

Ho: Singer, poet, or artist.

Ka: Highest of the high.

Kar: Forest, or abundant live.

Ko: Denial, He who denies untruth.

Mi: Beautiful, or handsome.

Li: Joyful.

Na: оne who cannot be defeated.

Ni: Strong, or unbroken.

Pa: Death, or оne who brings death. (Very rarely used, considered a dark omen.)

Ra: Sky, stars, or storms.

Sha: Warrior, soldier.

T: The ocean, or a voyage(r) оn the sea.

Ta: Loyalty, honour, or duty.

Tu: Oathbreaker. (Also rarely used, sometimes ascribed to a Narn after his removal from society for a heinous crime involving dishonour.)

Tza: Eyes of blood. (granted to a child with unusually dark red eyes)

Vin: Of the Light. (the name usually given to those gifted with the G’tul’tan’eth)

Y: Eternal.

Yal: Fire, or passionate.


ОООО, значения имен! Как же это великолепно!
Не только значения, алфавит!
Жаль не канон
gdis, да, это не канон. И тут даже не столько имен значения, сколько префиксов к ним. Но уже хоть что-то. Для фанфикшена или квенты персонажной сгодится.
natoth, У префиксов очень красивые смыслы. И красивые по-нарнски.

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