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#В5-энциклопедия + #не канон с другими тэгами

What is Canonical (то, что Стражинский каноном не признал)

Факты из перечисленных ниже новелл и фактбуков не будут включены в В5 энциклопедию, поскольку Стражинский не признает их каноном.


What is Canonical


From the information page for the encyclopedia from B5books.com



Not Canonical: Dell Novels 1-6, 8:

In 2006, JMS wrote: “The first Dell books were not what they should have been because they tended to operate outside canon; so steps were taken to bring the Del Rey books into canon, working closely with the publisher, and the fans across the board agree that those novels were better than those which preceded them.”


Not Canonical: RPG and table top games

Prior to Fiona Avery being hired as the Babylonian Productions Reference Editor, JMS had become increasingly concerned about inaccuracies creeping into the licensed gaming books due to the lack of a point person to oversee continuity. In May 1998, he wrote, “There are going to have to be some revisions in the game books to bring them into line with the overall story, and other licensees.”


Not Canonical: The Mongoose Publications

No ambiguity here: In 2005, JMS stated “I have, subsequently, washed my hands of the Mongoose books. I haven’t seen anything, don’t know what they’re doing, so sure as hell it ain’t canonical.”

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