I am the closest thing to God4 читателя тэги

Автор: Remake

#картинки искать «картинки» по всему сайту с другими тэгами

Breaking the Silence

Serves You Right


Killing Me


On Point

Gemini Syndrome - оn Point


You just know no matter what they say

That everyone is wrong

You know it all, you’re just waiting for

The whole world to adore you

You're so оn point



Mourning Star


Sorry Not Sorry





Blacklite District - Craving


I never felt the same

I'm stuck inside this game

I feel so dead inside

Nowhere to run or hide


It's nothing new to me

Look what you do to me

No way to turn around

I think I'm going down



I'm derailing

No mistaking

I've got that craving

I've got that craving

No more waiting

Never failin'

I've got that craving

I've got that craving


Wake up and see the light

Get off the downward ride

The choice is yours to make

Move оn for heaven's sake


I'm gonna get out

I've had enough now

It's been a rough round

And I mean Right Now

I wanna lie down

I will not give out

I'm gonna live now

I wanna live now


Welcome To Hell

Sum 41 - Welcome To Hell


So as your blood's running thin

Your time's running out

No оne will be listening

Not even when you shout

When your angels turn to devils

You'll finally figure out

That no оne will be with you in the end



A hypocrite

You're just a contradiction

Rapped up in your lies

Who knows what's real

Well this is it

Your lonely life of fiction

Do you even know how to feel?

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