I am the closest thing to God4 читателя тэги

Автор: Remake

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Dead Love Song

Without You



Alive Inside


Broken Promises


Silent Prey



Burning Your World Down

The Word Alive - Burning Your World Down


Maybe I'm running from myself

But blaming someone else

And maybe I'm trying to pretend

You mean nothing in the end


I know that

Something in me had to break

God knows that I needed change

You've haunted all my dreams



I'm wide awake, I'm not afraid

I'm letting you know that I won't be the same

When it's too late, too late for blame

I'm letting you know I'm burning your world down

Piece by piece


I'm sorry, you've pushed me to the edge

It's your fault, so cope with it

Say sorry, but I'm not listenin'

You mean nothing in the end


I'm burning your world down, burning your world down

I'm coming alive

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