Автор: natoth

Нарны (статья из В5-энциклопедии)

A sentient species of marsupials from the planet Narn.




Narns mated оne-to-one for life, and the family was the basic unit of society. Female Narns carried the children until birth, usually delivering a brood of оne to three children, which then resided in the male Narn’s pouch for the first three months of their lives. These siblings were referred to “pouch brothers” or “pouch sisters.”


The family bond among Narns was strong and vendettas were a matter of honor with a Chon-Kar—or blood oath—binding not оnly the Narn swearing it, but also his or her family.


As late as the 13th century, the Narns had telepathy in their genetic makeup but the mindwalkers were wiped out by the Shadows during their tenure оn Narn. After inheriting sufficient scientific knowledge and equipment in the wake of the Centauri occupation, the Narns set about attempting to address their genetic shortcoming by either grafting telepath DNA into their own genetic code or via direct mating with a telepath of a compatible species like Humans.


Their leathery skin offered protection against physical attack, allowing Narns to sustain more physical punishment than other species. The mottled spots that adorned their skulls were buffed to accentuate their color. Narns valued strength and shunned acknowledgments of weakness, such as corrective lenses for those with imperfect sight. As a result, Narns with poor eyesight were forced to make do with eyeglasses created for other species.


Due to the 130-year Centauri occupation of Narn—during which indigenous fauna was relocated off-world, flora was destroyed by strip-mining and Centauri culture overrode that of the natives—no Narns alive after the Centauri withdrawal had tasted their indigenous cuisine and they attempted to re-create it using recipes found in The Book of G’Quan.


Extra-canonical Data (Info from sсriрt drafts, cut footage and production documents.)

Narns did not have conventional fingerprints. They could release the foul-smelling contents of their evaporation glands and hibernate for six days.


References: 000, 108, 113, 114, 212, 312, 416, DB5, DC10, DC9



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