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Тяжелый крейсер класса "Г'Кван" (не канон, инфа взята из фактбуков)

О, пусть будет тут, всяко пригодится. Хотя у меня где-то в закромах была книга по военным кораблям В5...

о самом крейсере:

ну и просто полюбоваться. Имхо, самый красивый космический корабль в сериале, после кораблей теней и ворлонцев. Ладно, согласна, что минбарские шарлины тоже ничего.



Из книги про нарнские корабли (условный канон, потому что от Мангус)


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Вавилонские новогодние подушки


На Etsy продаются вот такие вавилонские подушки. И не только. Там можно много чего найти. Забавно!

Или вот такая подушка:



Народ не теряет времени даром, а? :)

The aides to the ambassadors (babylon 5) by selenak

Selenak пишет прекрасные эссе-аналитику о В5 и его персонажах в рамках новогоднего флешмоба. И одна из тем была о помощниках послов.
Полностью ее пост можно прочесть на дримвизе (или жж), а тут приведу выдержки непосредственно про На'Тот:

много слов про нарнского атташе и все на английскомNa’Toth is the Aide we see least of, to great regret and annoying real life circumstances. Starting with the Narn make-up apparantly causing diffficulties for the actresses, which is why G’Kar’s first Aide, Kodath, dies off screen. Which, btw, is all for the good, because her brief appearance in „Born to the Purple“ came across as a humorless female warrior caricature. Whereas Na’Toth, as played by Julie Caitlin Brown, was no less a warrior but displays a sense of humor and sarcasm from the start, which is good, given which Ambassador she’s stuck with. If Lennier is the Aide most idealizing his ambassador, Na’Toth is the оne least idealizing hers. She meets G’Kar when he’s almost hysterical over the prospect of getting assassinated, finds out this is due to some shady political dealings of his in the past, and as an aside also sees he’s fond of sex with human women who never seem to stay. This is as unflattering an introduction as you can have, and about the оnly impressive thing G’Kar does in these first few days, from Na’Toth’s pov, is his endurance of physical pain оnce the assassin catches up with him. That Na’Toth develops enormous respect for G’Kar is therefore not a given but happens because, along with the viewer, she gets to know him better.

Their interactions also offer the audience a chance of finding out more about Narn culture, and JMS a chance to show it not as uniform; G’Kar is very religious why Na’Toth is not, for example. (Alas, we never find out what her take оn G’Kar’s transformation to prophet would have been, as by the time he’s a religious idol and they meet again she’s not in a condition to take that in.) Conversely, Na’Toth’s feuds are not G’Kar’s feuds; she has a personal terrible experience with Deathwalker, while hating the Centauri оn general principle, without any particular ire for Londo or Vir.

Julie Caitlin Brown being replaced by Mary Kay Adams in the role, who in turn was written out by the end of s2, with Julie Caitlin Brown making оne more appearance as Na’Toth in s5 means we never got a show long narrative for Na’Toth the way we did fort the other aides. But leaving Doylist reason aside, I can accept this because while Na’Toth develops great affection and loyalty to G’Kar (and vice versa), her first priority were always her people, and so her returning to Narn at the time of its greatest need was a plausible explanation for the character’s absence from late s2 оnwards until s5. In a way, Na’Toth became what G’Kar wasn’t, not anymore; he became the exile to her оn-planet resistence fighter and occupation sufferer. After Na’Toth is freed from her imprisonment, she returns to Narn as G’Kar can’t, again, not anymore; she’s still оne of the people which is something taken from him by the different path he took. Her last apperance shows Na’Toth having sufferend horribly through her imprisonment, but with her spirit still intact; note that her response to seeing Londo is wanting to kill him (to which he wearily tells her to get in line), but that doesn’t stop her from going through with his excentric plan for her escape. All of which gives me hope that Na’Toth, оnce physically recovered, will florish оn Narn, whatever she chooses to do next.

Начну постить телеги про советника На'Фара

И для начала дискуссия с тумблера о нем. Имхо, фаны очень глубоко его проанализировали. Привожу на инглише, потому что переводить дико лень.

О своем отношении к На'Фару: я никогда не считала его злодеем в сериале или отрицательным персонажем. Напротив, мне всегда было его жалко. Потому что в сушности и он и ГКар хотели блага своему народу, спасти его от уничтожения итп. Просто пути у них разные.

В общем тема, поднятая в том эпизоде, очень наболевшая.




Let’s talk about Na’Far.

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Мастер ка'ток

Выдержки из нарнского фактбука, не канон, но все равно впечатляет. Попробуем представить, что собой представлял Та'Лон (поскольку из вавилонских нарнов, он был как раз мастером ка'ток, которого мы могли видеть).


Ka’Toc Master

A Ka’Toc master is more than just a warrior; he is a student of what it means to be Narn and what his place is in the galaxy. A Ka’Toc Master never calls himself оne. He is aware that there is always something more to learn and something greater to strive for than what he has already attained. To consider оne’s self a master of anything is to entertain arrogance of the highest level. It is a deception that оnly blinds the deceiver.


It is this denial of truth that must be avoided at all costs, as a Ka’Toc Master is taught early оn that the hardest thing in the universe to cut is the web of deceit that lies like a shroud over all reality. To become a true master of the Ka’Toc is to learn to see through the deceptions and glimpse the universe for what it is- infinite and filled with promise. All of this is done in terms that revolve around the weapon skills of the Ka’Toc, a symbol of the honour and martial traditions that date back to long before the Centauri came to the Narn Homeworld.

Most who wield the Ka’Toc do so with honour, but few have the patience or foresight to seek out a Ka’Toc Master and endure the arduous training that can hone their skills into something that transcends mere fighting. A true Ka’Toc Master can do things with his weapon that other Narn would never believe, mostly because other Narn could never comprehend the mental and physical enlightenment that makes such expressions of skill possible.

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What is Canonical (то, что Стражинский каноном не признал)

Факты из перечисленных ниже новелл и фактбуков не будут включены в В5 энциклопедию, поскольку Стражинский не признает их каноном.


What is Canonical


From the information page for the encyclopedia from B5books.com



Not Canonical: Dell Novels 1-6, 8:

In 2006, JMS wrote: “The first Dell books were not what they should have been because they tended to operate outside canon; so steps were taken to bring the Del Rey books into canon, working closely with the publisher, and the fans across the board agree that those novels were better than those which preceded them.”


Not Canonical: RPG and table top games

Prior to Fiona Avery being hired as the Babylonian Productions Reference Editor, JMS had become increasingly concerned about inaccuracies creeping into the licensed gaming books due to the lack of a point person to oversee continuity. In May 1998, he wrote, “There are going to have to be some revisions in the game books to bring them into line with the overall story, and other licensees.”


Not Canonical: The Mongoose Publications

No ambiguity here: In 2005, JMS stated “I have, subsequently, washed my hands of the Mongoose books. I haven’t seen anything, don’t know what they’re doing, so sure as hell it ain’t canonical.”

Одна из самых сильных сцен в 4-м сезоне.

Тебя больше нет в моей Вселенной! ©


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Моменты откровения (коллаж)

Моменты откровения


Вся жизнь состоит из мгновений перехода и мгновений откровения...

© Книга Г'Кара

О, этот эпичный момент!

Осторожно, гифки!


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Г'Кар и Декларация Принципов


«Вселенная говорит на многих языках, но лишь одним голосом. Языки эти — не нарнов или людей, не центавриан или геймов, не минбарцев. Она говорит на языке надежды. Она говорит на языке доверия. На языке силы и сострадания. Это язык сердца и язык души. Но всегда тем же самым голосом. Это голос наших предков, звучащий в нас,… и голос наших наследников, ожидающих своего рождения. Это приглушенный голос, который говорит: мы — едины, неважно, какой крови, из какого мира, с какой звезды. Мы едины. Вне зависимости от боли, мрака, утрат, страха. Мы едины. Здесь, объединенные вместе одной целью, мы соглашаемся признать эту простую истину… и этот простой закон: мы должны быть добры друг к другу. Потому что каждый голос обогащает и облагораживает нас. И каждый утраченный голос ослабляет нас. Мы — голос Вселенной, душа творения, пламя, что освещает путь к лучшему будущему. Мы едины».

Декларация принципов. (503 — «Венец всего живущего»)

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