Автор: Arnel

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о прозвищахЦан Some fans would call 蒼 as 葱花, which is what we call scallion cut into segments. The first letter stands for scallions in Chinese, and 花 is flower. This is because the pronunciation of 蒼 in Taiwanese sounds like 葱 in standard speech.
Су, Тань Expect 白蓮 and 素素, 饼哥/大饼 are also nicknames for 素還真, because in earlier series his face is round)) Correspondingly, 小餅 (biscuits or cookie in chinese) is the nickname of 素續緣. And since 談無慾 is the 月才子, fangirls usually call the relationship 談無慾/素還真 as 月餅(moon pie). But lately some people pointed that, they don’t this nickname for 素, because it looks like kinda of bodyshame or something…) Well I personally confess that I still love “moon pie”. Just so sweet🥺

Цзи У, Цзянь Чжичу And there’re some nicknames of seasons. For example, the title of s51 in Chinese is 枭皇论战(warlords’ debates and battles). Fans call it as 枭皇论妹(妹, younger sister), because lots of main characters love their sisters every much or even have some love affair with sisters , like 劍之初 to 戢武王/戢武王 to 禳命女/魔王子 to 寒煙翠/擎海潮 to 惜夫人⋯

Цзан Юньсяо Btw, fans like to call 葬雲霄 as husky, because he got these puppy eyes like husky. A cute nickname Xd


Another funny thing about fruits😆 Welcome to our ginger-haired handsome, 赮毕钵罗, aka "happy pineapple". This is because in Taiwaness “赮毕" just sounds like happy in English, and "钵罗" is like pineapple (菠萝) in Chinese.
о Цзане, Июэхань и Бу Сянчэнь
This man suffered a lot from the complex relationships. He wanted to spend the rest of his life with 欹月寒, protecting and loving her. But his girlfriend hesitated, for she didn’t have enough confidence in their relationship, and she needed to complete her revenge first. 步香塵 involved in because she had a crush оn him. And another reason is, she needed a special heart to improve her ability.
Later, 葬雲霄 begged 步 to treat his girlfriend, who was almost dying at that time. 步 said, to treat a girl is not a big deal, but I want you pay for it by having sex with me, witnessed by her. And the man agreed. 月寒 survived from the pain the enemy gave to her, but she couldn’t bare when see her beloved cheat. Her heart broke. After that, 步 continued to make mischief. Finally, 月寒 ran away and separated with 葬雲霄.
The thing is, 月寒 had a inferior complex about her looks, and so she feared to be left by her lover. (Personally I think she is beautiful and more importantly, unique.)步香尘 mocked her appearance and made her believe that 葬云霄 had a new relationship. So 月寒 left hopelessly.
Then she met 荼山毒后, the best friend of her mother. 毒后 recognized her and treat her as her own daughter. 毒后 told 月寒, that there's a chance to change her life forever, and it had been waiting for her for so long. 月寒 was so cynical and overwhelmed by pain at that time, so she said yes without hesitation. She ate up the heart left by her mother, who was also betrayed by beloved.
After she transformed into 傅月影, she approached her ex-boyfriend оn purpose. She wanted to take a revenge. Becausr the magical power of the heart, 葬云霄 fell in love with her. And when 步香尘 saw those two were together, she went crazy out of jealousy. So 步 found out that even though she can made this man stay with her, she can be loved by this man. She killed him and pocked his heart out at the end.
о Ливне
I would like continue the topic about 暴雨, because I am kinda of attracted by him ^ ^ Some fans don’t like him for his anti-social behaviors, some fans feel pity about him, and of course there’re some people be like: “Come оn, we just like sexy badass!” But I’m pretty sure he is impressive for every audience. In the last episode of s57, there was a fight between 暴雨,绮罗生 and 最光阴. And here goes the famous line, “我不准你抱住最光阴”(I won’t allow you to hold 最光陰 in your arms). Likely, no оne can cease the urge to stop the video and take a screenshot here😂 And another famous line of him is “九千胜是我的,生是我的,死也是我的”(九千胜 belongs to me, whether he is dead or alive). And this оne even became a meme, often abbreviated as “9300, 3451, 4451” because the pronunciations are very similar. Some people like to write “的” as “姨”(тётя) because they misheard the word, and this changes the meaning of sentence. It means 九千胜 —моя тётя. Вот они ровесниками стали))
By the way, though everyone can see his special attention to 绮罗生, but in cannon he didn’t came out as a gay) But his friend 弁袭君 did. These two call each other like “损友”. But I’m not sure how to translate it🤔 It’s like… a kind of friends you can say mean words freely in front of them without being judged.
The word “先生(mister)” is оne of honorific titles. And during a long period, this title didn’t have a sexual restriction, that means, you can call somebody as “先生”, whether they are male or female. And like English people, ancient Chinese also called teachers as “先生”. But in pili sometimes characters just use “teacher”. Usually the characters who put this word оn their names, are more like intellectuals or military counselors, instead of warriors.
»Обращения к родственникам вызывают больше сложностей, потому что персонажи не обязательно родственники друг другу.
Правильно XDD And characters usually were given a unrealistic age, which help to make up the plots more easily. (For example, 素 showed up in so many seasons, so how old is him?!! No оne can answer that.) That makes it even hard to distinguish the elder from his children by their appearances. We get the information about relatives from dialogues between them.
»Обычно "сяомэй" мне встречались в виде милых девочек, а 步香塵 персонаж совсем другого типа XDD
She proposed this order😆 Maybe it felt better than have a younger brother like 一页书 or 闫达.
о городе времени
间城/City of time is setting as a superior world, where the time and memories get stored and managed. As for why 素还真 appeared there, we should look back to s55. At that time the War between Saints and Devils was ended permanently, because the villian, 鬼觉神知, used a special item called 止战之印. Therefore, the time was paused, and everyone just lost their memories about the war.(just like the so-called "soft reboot" in those American comics XDD) And 素 was dying, but he can't die or live properly since the time wouldn't move forward. So the city of time found this emergency, and they saved him. Later he helped push the huge dial in the city, while a part of his soul became Avatars.
The actions of 逆海重帆(or 波旬? i really forgot) made the order of time fell again. This brought 素 to a time drifting. And he came to 杀戮碎岛, but in an alternative univese. Actually that's because playwrights wanted to fix up their plots. The fires in 9.30 burned a lot of puppets, and they had to delete and re-write the stories of 四骐界, since some characters can't show up оn stage. And it's just a start, because in s60 you'll see 素 back to 碎岛 agian.
最光阴 is hardly a human. He is setting as a spirit of that huge dial. Before he was 18 years old, he never left the city of time. Later he took a adventure in 苦境, meeting his best friend 九千胜. The story between them was told at the end of s59, so I guess maybe we can discuss about this later~
про Коуиня и котлы
By the way, the pots belong to 鷇音子 are called “鼎” in Chinese. At first this kind of pot was used for cooking, but later it turned to the special tool for alchemy. In ancient China lots of people were keen to become Immortals, and they believed alchemy can bring them some special medicine, which enable people with longer life span and superpowers.
In series, 鷇音子 wanted 无梦生 give up his work and return to the time city. Because they were sharing the same life span, the оnly way 鷇音子 can lengthen his life is 无梦生 give up. To achieve his aim and lower the risk, he started to do those alchemic things, for making out a medicine which enables 无梦生 return to time city safely)

鼎 dǐng
I сущ.
1) треножник (бронзовый, с двумя ушками; служил для а) приготовления пищи; б) жертвоприношений; в) казни через сварение)

“初出江湖,天下无敌;再练三年,寸步难行” is a interesting quote and popular among fans. It describes the common things in different fates of many characters: when first stepped оn the stage, nobody dares to be your enemy; and keep practising your skills like three years, then you'll never win a battle again.
Lots of characters showed up like god, but several episodes passed they were seemed to become more and more weaker, since we got more new characters who had amazing skills.
And I thought fans made up this, just like the three episodes principle) But it turns out it's from 倦收天))) Honestly that make sense, he is a good example
об управлении марионетками
It seems like lifting puppets up is the harder task, instead of moving their hands. If they want to film a scene where need to complete some difficult movement оn right hand of puppet, the master would do it alternatively, holding up puppet basically оn left hand. That's a difficult task if you're a right handed person, so we don't see those scenes often in series. As for some characters who use a pair of swords, their movements of two hands at the same time get completed by not оnly оne master.
про сезоны
it seems like among Chinese fans the most widely approved opinion is, the story of 异度魔界 is the best main storyline of pili. (This part of story lasted like 10 years in real life, i don't know when I'll start watch it and when I'll finish though) S57-60 was considered as a tetralogy, because they shared оne same word “轰” in title. These season, like I said, are very popular. A lot of popular characters showed up here. Years ago оn the Internet there have been some shipwars between 意琦行/绮罗生 and 最光阴/绮罗生)) S48-50 was considered as a trilogy easy to start with. In latest years s67仙魔鏖锋 is the оne fans highly recommend. But I don't know too much about it, I just know it got some pretty handsome male characters, which I became familiar with their name and face while browsing slashes and fanart...

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