Автор: Arnel

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о прозвищахЦан Some fans would call 蒼 as 葱花, which is what we call scallion cut into segments. The first letter stands for scallions in Chinese, and 花 is flower. This is because the pronunciation of 蒼 in Taiwanese sounds like 葱 in standard speech.
Су, Тань Expect 白蓮 and 素素, 饼哥/大饼 are also nicknames for 素還真, because in earlier series his face is round)) Correspondingly, 小餅 (biscuits or cookie in chinese) is the nickname of 素續緣. And since 談無慾 is the 月才子, fangirls usually call the relationship 談無慾/素還真 as 月餅(moon pie). But lately some people pointed that, they don’t this nickname for 素, because it looks like kinda of bodyshame or something…) Well I personally confess that I still love “moon pie”. Just so sweet🥺

Цзи У, Цзянь Чжичу And there’re some nicknames of seasons. For example, the title of s51 in Chinese is 枭皇论战(warlords’ debates and battles). Fans call it as 枭皇论妹(妹, younger sister), because lots of main characters love their sisters every much or even have some love affair with sisters , like 劍之初 to 戢武王/戢武王 to 禳命女/魔王子 to 寒煙翠/擎海潮 to 惜夫人⋯

Цзан Юньсяо Btw, fans like to call 葬雲霄 as husky, because he got these puppy eyes like husky. A cute nickname Xd


про Гунхуана х2

At first, I think it’s just that he got two costumes, оne for his secretary job, another оne for his gangsta life)) Until I saw them stand side by side. Then I think maybe they are a pair of avatars. But actually, they’re two individuals. The beautiful оne is called 圣痕者, and the other is the true 君权神授. This secret was uncovered at the end of the stories of their kingdom. After 燹王 died in the battle with his buddy 阎王, as 燹王 wished, 圣痕者 disguised himself as the king, returning to his land, so his people wouldn’t face the pain of loss. And even 君权神授 doesn’t know about the truth of king’s death. At the end, 圣痕者 also decided to disappear, because his fate was bond with the miracle of kingdom, 燹王, who is the guy would save this land from danger according to the oracles (he actually did this). Now the king has gone, the kingdom will cut off their connections with the outside world, he has no more desires but to protect this land in his way.
A funny thing about 圣痕者 is that he has a lot of AirPods XDDD 燹王 told us they were all made by 圣痕者
Про 6 королей и пророчество
The second оne is very near. I think this phrase should mean "to create the new world". Back to previous story, 时间城主 оnce spoke of an old prophecy, "三阳同天,六王开天,九龙归天". The aim of 阎王 is to make it come true. 三阳同天 means "three suns hang оn the sky", so he tried all kinds of tactics to bring the sun of 森狱 and 天疆 to 苦境. Then he worked оn uniting his friend to create the new world. But it seems like he misunderstood something, and he may not know the last part of prophecy)) It says the basic elements of this world would transform into dragons, fleeing from land. Then there would be nothing left. And the later stories showed us, about "create new world" part, actually they need to rip their heart out.
О Шэньхае и Биболо
He was just too shy to face the reality... Before he was tossed into the deep sea, he got betrayed by his good brother and the kingdom he loved, so he had a complex feeling about all the things of his homeland, then he decided to hide his face. He used to curse this land, for it's full of disasters and misfortunes. But now, after many years trapped below the deep sea lonely, he found he just want the evil guys pay for what they did. So maybe he wanted to take his revenge and leave. Whatever, his uncle expose his identity later.
Well, there's also another guess: some fans said that's because uncle had his hair permed in a terrible way, so he wouldn't like to let his nephew recognize him XDD
Also, he does deeply love his nephews, both 赮毕钵罗 and 侠菩提))
О персонажах-статистах:
妖道角 - It basically means the guys who got killed by main heroes so quickly that the оnly impressive words they left is "杀啦,杀啦"
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