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Записи с тэгом #Shi Dongji/Ши Дунцзи/式洞机 из разных блогов

Arnel, блог «Pili Puppet Show»

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Arnel, блог «Pili Puppet Show»

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Arnel, блог «Pili Puppet Show»

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Arnel, блог «Pili Puppet Show»

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Один из новых персонажей тот еще интриган, что следует из а) существования под двумя разными именами 式洞机 и 一色秋 2) сотрудничества с Шиянем, который тоже знатный интриган. Сотрудничество, соответственно, очень условное. Соревновательное можно сказать: кто кого вперед переинтриганит. С целями Шияня я более-менее разобралась, а что задумал Ши Дунцзи (первое имя похоже основное) пока тайна. Ставлю дюжину розовых стразиков, что опять какое-то артефактное говно динозавра откопают и у всех будут проблемы.

Мне он не очень по душе, потому что как глава организации, в которую входил Бе Хуанхунь, должен бы первом делом оторвать Шияню голову. и Ливню, Ливню! кто-нибудь, ну! Но Дунцзи дальновидный как все интриганы и большая часть глав организаций, там все может быть.

PS: дополнение от АглаиI thought 式洞机 is also an interesting charater. He is the main leader of Daoist organization "Southern Dao-Jen", with a secret identity called 一色秋 in another league "天葬十三刀". At first, and for a long period in series, audience didn't be told this two guy were actually the same оne person. But his ruse was incredibly simple: he didn't wear any make-up nor mask, never change his hair-style or costume or anything; he just told everybody 式洞机 and 一色秋 were twins hating each other, they were so mad at each other that they sweard never to meet. And everbody did believed in this ridiculous lie... Me also! Well, daoists admired their great leader, they would not like to suspect him of cheating; his ally, 古陵逝烟, as cunning as fox, didn't believe someone can make up such a ridiculous lie, so he thought that must be true. As for me , I just thought it's another "good brother & bad brother" twins. оnce the narrator told something about 一色秋, and some Daoists meet him occassionally, they called him as 式洞机. Then I finally realize there ain't anything about twins, but we got a great pretender here. It reminds me of the guy who deceived his victim into buying La Tour Eiffel.
His motive, probably, is to satisfy his desire for treasures, which is also the reason he would like to help 古陵逝烟. That's kind of reasonable, Daoists are always poor) he must can't get those cool stuffs, if he just relies оn the poor wage of Southern Dao-jen XDD Just look at the difference between 剑子仙迹 and his goddamn rich friend 龙宿

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