Что почитать: свежие записи из разных блогов

Записи с тэгом #Behaviorism из разных блогов

Beramode, блог «Faded Fantasy»


"You’re my favorite," he said offhand.

"Favorite what?" she wondered aloud.

"Oh, well," he stammered. “Well, just that. My favorite pair of eyes to look into. My favorite name to see appear оn my phone. My favorite way to spend an afternoon. Fill in the blank, Beautiful…I left it at favorite for a reason."

"You’re my favorite too," she whispered.

Beramode, блог «Faded Fantasy»


May you fall

in love with


who never

gets tired of

saving you

from your

own chaos.

Beramode, блог «Faded Fantasy»


Write to please just оne person. If you open a window and make love to the world, so to speak, your story will get pneumonia.

Beramode, блог «Faded Fantasy»


This heart of mine, that doesn’t even hear itself from being mute so long.

Beramode, блог «Faded Fantasy»


It was not the feeling of completeness I so needed, but the feeling of not being empty.

Beramode, блог «Faded Fantasy»


To touch a heart,

somewhere in the world,

only externally,

only gently,

like the night wind from the sea,

like the sudden feeling,

of being human.

Beramode, блог «Faded Fantasy»


-When is a monster not a monster?

-Oh, when you love it.

Beramode, блог «Faded Fantasy»


It is a thrill to sit at my desk at night, music оn the radio, typing away, empty Chianti bottles оn the table, and look out at the colored lights winking and shining…

Beramode, блог «Faded Fantasy»


O YOU whom I often and silently come where you are, that I may be with you;

As I walk by your side, or sit near, or remain in the same room with you,

Little you know the subtle electric fire that for your sake is playing within me.

Beramode, блог «Faded Fantasy»


I long for a large room to myself, with books and nothing else, where I can shut myself up, and see no оne, and read myself into peace.

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