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Swiss Miss, блог «It`s All Fun & Games»

...be careful now, and don`t go out alone...

Little boy with faith so thin,

Little girl so strong within,

I said I`d never leave you, and I`m sorry, but I lied.

If you`re set to pay the price,

Learn the ways of sacrifice,

Leave this world to grieve you, take a breath, and step outside.

The broken doors are waiting, down the path you`ve always known.

My darling оnes, be careful now, and don`t go out alone.


Shadows dancing all around;

Some things better lost than found.

If you ask the questions, best be sure you want to know.

Some things better left forgot,

Some dreams better left unsought.

Knowing the direction doesn`t mean you have to go.

The broken doors can open if you seek them оn your own.

My darling boy, be careful now, and don`t go out alone.


Certain lines can`t be uncrossed.

Certain maps will get you lost.

Once you get past the border, then you`ll have to play the game.

Roll the dice but count the cards,

Break the glass but keep the shards.

The world is out of order. It`s been broken since you came.

The broken doors are hidden in the blood and in the bone.

My darling child, be careful now, and don`t go out alone.


Lies are truths in tattered clothes,

At least that`s how the story goes.

Once you`ve found the keyhole, then you`ll need to find the key.

Don`t be scared of what`s to come,

Don`t forget the place you`re from.

Take your time. Remember, you`ll be coming back to me.

The broken doors are open — come and enter and be home.

My darling girl, be careful now, and don`t go out alone.


Walk the way you think is best,

Solve the riddles, pass the test.

Try to keep your balance when you think all else is lost.

Give it time, but not too much,

Give it space, but keep in touch.

Once you`re past the borders, then you`ll have to pay the cost.

The broken doors are waiting, strong and patient as stone.

My darling boy, be careful now, and don`t go out alone.


Find the key that knows the lock,

Find the root that knows the rock,

Find the things you`re seeking in the place you fear to look.

Promise me that you`ll take care,

You`ll show caution, you`ll beware.

There are many dangers in the pages of this book.

The broken doors are waiting. You are stronger than you`ve known.

My darling girl, be careful now, and don`t go out alone.


Love me оnce to lose me twice;

Learn to take your own advice.

Try to love the darkness if you want to reach the light.

Know your quest but leave your name.

I will love you all the same.

There`s beauty in the starkness of this never-ending night.

The broken doors are open, and they yearn to bring you home.

My darling boy, be careful now, and don`t go out alone.


Стихотворение вымышленного поэта из книги Parasite by Mira Grant. В книге это разрозненные строчки и отрывки, использованные как эпиграфы к разным частям и главам, здесь - попытка собрать их в единое целое в условно хронологическом порядке. Хочу попробовать его перевести как-нибудь.

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